Chapter 4: The Wedding

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The news spread like wildfire, and everyone was very well over excited. The wedding was set and planned perfectly, something beautiful but not overly expensive. It was a beautiful day in May, the sun was shining, the grass was green, and the sky was clear blue. Foxy, the groom, was getting ready with the guys, while Mangle, the bride, was getting ready with the girls... and Bonbon.
"Is it good enough yet?" Asked Chickadee. Chica examined Mangle and shook her head.
"Alright then, TIGHTER!!!" Chickadee and Bonbon tightened the strings on Mangle's corset.
"G-guys... I think this is good *cough* enough..." Mangle managed to get out while also trying to breathe.
"Well... I guess so. Alright gang! That's enough!" Chickadee cried. Bonbon then let go and Chica tied the strings to the corset.
"Guys... is this really necessary?" Asked Mangle. Bonbon nodded.
"Yes. It makes the bride look petite and skinny." He explained. Mangle rolled her eyes and smiled.
"I think I'm good with the petite part, so no worries for me. Speaking of clothing, do I have to wear a dress?" She asked. Chickadee nodded.
"Yes, and indeed it is a pretty one." She said. Chickadee rushed out of the room and came back with a stunning, long sleeved, white gown. It had silver pearls and a yellow-ish exterior to it. Mangle covered her mouth and smiled.
"It... it's gorgeous... I don't really know how to thank you guys..." She said. Chickadee, Chica, and Bonbon all smiled and hugged Mangle.
"Anything for a friend, Mangle." Chica said. They all let go of the hug.
"Now what are we waiting for? Let's get you suited." Bonbon said.

The dining area was decorated beautifully, pink, red, and white decorations coated the stage, the tables were moved out of the way for an isle, and there was a big white carpet for the isle. Everyone sat in chairs on the left and right sides, dressed nicely in fancy costumes from past plays over the years. Foxy was on the stage, dressed in a nice white coat with gold lining while Mangle walked down the isle very gracefully, her vail covering her face, but not too much so she couldn't see. Mangle carried white flowers while heading up on the stage. Chica, Freddy, and Bonnie sat in the front on the right side while Chickadee, Fred, and Bonbon sat in the front on the left side. As for all the other rows and chairs, various customers and people they didn't even know filled those chairs right up. Chica, obviously enjoying the beautiful wedding, was interrupted by a certain man-bear sitting next to her. She looked over at her side and caught Freddy flipping the bird at Fred half across the room. She quietly gasped and nudged Freddy's shoulder.
"AhEM." She pretended to quietly fake cough. Freddy looked over at her and frowned.
"What Chica?" He whispered.
"Excuse me, but why were you showing off a certain finger to a certain guest half across the room?"
"Because he's a lil' shit." Freddy retorted.
"Well don't do it again! You're ruining the wedding, well, at least for me." She crossed her arms and Freddy rolled his eyes.
"Whatever." He said, paying attention to the wedding, but once and a while, he'd looked to his side at Fred and make an angry or disliked face which resulted in Chica nudging him to knock it off. Golden Freddy, or, Goldie, was just finishing up the vows which was just rambling because really none of them knew how weddings really work.
"May you take this vixen blah blah blah... will you take this groom blah blah blah... ah screw it, just kiss 'er already! You may be wed." He finished. Foxy looked at Mangle and lifted her vail. He took her in close and kissed her gently on the lips. He let go of the kiss and walked down the isle.

After the wedding, there was a great after party. There was drinks, and big wedding cake, just made for Foxy and Mangle. Foxy hovered over Mangle and took her arm and hand as they both cut the three layer cake. Fred looked from across the room at the very tasty cake. He looked like he would break his champagne glass of he didn't get a slice of that very delicious cake.
"What's a matter, tubby? Can't handle to wait?" Freddy teased. Fred looked at him with an annoyed expression.
"As a matter of fact, I can wait, thank you very much." He said. Freddy got this evil grin on his face.
"Are you sure? Because gee golly, that cake does look good... maybe I'll get a slice myself. I heard it's got the richest chocolate, and the creamiest of frosting..." Said Freddy as his licked his lips. Fred drooled at Freddy's description of the sweet treat.
"I c-can wait. A grown man like me should not be eating cake anyway." He folded his arms, trying to protest.
"Oh and did I mention that it's chocolate and vanilla filled? I watched Chica bake it herself, and it's got a half a pound of sugar in it..." Freddy cooed. Fred looked at Freddy.
"I... I..."
"You what? A big boy like you should love that spongy cake over there-"
"I NEED SOME OF THAT CAKE!!" Fred yelled after losing to Freddy's jist. He ran over, grabbing a plate and getting three slices of the moist cake.
Meanwhile, after Mangle finished her cake, Foxy picked her up bridal style and started to carry her away from the party.
"Uhm... Foxy... where are you taking me?" Asked Mangle.
"To some where see, I found out about this one particular tradition on wedding night while I was reading t' books..." He said, leading Mangle off to the cove, leaving the party behind.

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