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He hides in the shadows.
He stalks and preys his victims.
He is golden, sheer and wild;
Like a hyena waiting for it's laughing stalk of the African boar.
He has been here for many years,
No one has known.
Why oh why,
Must you say goodbye?
He had a friend;
Which turned to evil,
Out of spite who caused a bite.
You are no longer you,
Instead him, who would rather be you.
Four foxes; A chicken, a bunny.
Tick tock.
The mouse ran up the clock.
Time dangles on a hanging string,
Like a rope, or a tying thing.
You see,
He has tried to be the greatest he could be,
Which failed;
It is just a matter of time,
All hope is lost,

He is known as,
"The Golden rabbit"

Time to pay a cost.

Foxy & Mangle: The Adventure Begins, A Forever, 'till the end of time sequelWhere stories live. Discover now