Chapter 9: Dog fight

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Candy the cocker spaniel, Chickadee, and Bonbon sat in the dining room, talking. Just then, the "new recruit" walked in. Candy looked at her.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Rocky the Russian Spaniel, isn't that right?" Candy, the complete and utter opposite of Rocky, was a perfectionist. Rocky hated her. Chickadee looked at Candy.
"Uhm... who is she, not to be rude." She said. Candy grinned.
"My stupid original form, she has no class." She said. Bonbon looked over at the cocoa haired woman.
"But she's got ass..." He said under his breath. Candy frowned at Bonbon.
"Meh. She's not as pretty as moi~" Rocky looked at Candy.
"Go fuck yourself Candy. Oh wait, Fred already does that for you." Rocky said slyly. Candy heated up and slammed her fist on the table, only to retreat and to make sure she didn't bruise herself.
"At lease on not a lesbian for rainbow's sake." Rocky got furrowed her eyebrows and fastened her suspenders.
"Oh that's it! YOU'RE GOIN' DOWN, BITCH!!!" She yelled, followed by her tackling Candy.
"Ah! You're getting my dress messy!" Candy exclaimed.
"Your dress is not the only messed up thing!!" Rocky said, scratching Candy's face. This small argument quickly turned into a "dog" fight, Bonbon probably betting money on this while Chiki, wanting to break this up without getting in the middle of anything. Candy punched Rocky, giving her a bloody nose. Rocky pushed Candy off, sending the skinny Barbie flying across the room. Once Candy got up, Rocky started throwing punches left and right. After four punches, Candy finally ducked the punch. When regaining enough sense, she kicked Rocky in the stomach, Rocky falling back onto a table. Candy snickered for a bit, only to be interrupted by Rocky's fist punching her left arm. Rocky grabbed onto Candy's dress, then kneeing Candy up her skirt. Rocky then looked Candy straight in the eye and said,
"Never. Mess. With me." Right before with one powerful kick, sending Candy crashing through the window. Candy laid there, on the sidewalk helpless for a good minute then limped up. She looked at Rocky and gave her a very disturbing, despised death glare.
"THIS AIN'T THE LAST YOU'VE SEEN OF ME!!! MARK MY WORDS, I'LL KILL YOU, ROCKY!!! I REALLY WILL!!!" She yelled. Candy then stormed off down the street, leaving Rocky, Bonbon, and Chickadee to watch her in awe. When Candy was gone, Rocky turned to the now fearful Bonbon and Chickadee. She extended her arm to them.
"Rocky the Russian Spaniel, in your presence. Nice to meet you."

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