Chapter 4 - Finally I can cook

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The day after I told everyone what happend went pretty well. Me and Saj have been hanging out none stop... Well kinda. I still clean up but Alhamdulillah I haven't gone into that weird trance.

Tonight I am cooking, they finally let me in the kitchen. So I'm making lasagna with steamed potatoes and for dessert I'm making chocolate cake.
"Ok, so we got loads of stuff from Sainsbury's" Zachy says as he enters the kitchen. It's a good thing I wore my hijab already.
He smiles at me as he puts the bags on the table.
"What did you get?"
"You're going to find out since you're putting them away"
"No way. I'm cooking so you're putting them away"
He folds his arms.
"Who's going to make me?"
I raise an eyebrow.
After a while he realises what I will do.
"You wouldn't dare"
I smirk.
"Yes I will"

I drop a bag of the groceries and fall to the ground.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww" I scream.
Zachy gets alarmed.
"Innayah, shut up. Innayah man. Please don't do this"
I shake my head.
"Too late" I whisper and continue screaming.
Aunty comes in the room.
"What happend?"
"Erm. I'm not sure if I should tell you" I feign innocence.
"Innayah. What happend. Tell me now!"
"Well... Zachy came in with the bags and threw them at me. I think something happend to my ankle because it's really hurting"
Aunty turns to Zachy.
"Zakariya Ahmed! Why did you do that?"
He looks shocked. Then he glares at me.
"Don't give that look to her!"
"Amma (mum), I didn't do-"
"I don't care what you have to say. You're tidying these bags up and putting everything away. Then you can help Innayah cook"
"That is final zakariya"
He sighs.

Aunty leaves the room and he glares at me.
"I hate you"
"You know that's not true" I say jokingly.
"No I think it is" he mumbles.
He starts picking up the food and putting them away. I get up and sit down on a chair and start recording him.

He looks so annoyed and he hasn't even realised I've been recording him.
"Innayah, I'm going to break your phone if you don't stop videoing me"
I start laughing out loud.
"How did you know?"
"As if it's not obvious"
I laugh quietly and stop videoing him.

"There done!" He says after 15 minutes. He sits down on the chair next to me and puts his head down.
I've never told anyone but I really like Zachy's hair. I always want to touch it, but obviously I can't.
"What" his voice comes out muffled.
"Are you angry?"
"Not even the slightest bit"
He sighs
"I'm not annoyed Innayah"
"Ok, so are you going to help me cook?"
"Why are you doing this to me?" He says as he gets his head up.
"Because I like your company"
"No you like annoying me"
"That is true"
He shakes his head but I can see the secret smile on his face.

"Ok" I say while getting off my chair "you're going to be my taste tester"
"That's it. I can do more you know"
"Yeah I know, but this is my dinner, next time In'sha Allah we will cook together"
"Alright" he sits up properly so he can watch what I'm doing. I get all the ingredients out and start making the lasagna. Once that's done I get out the baby potatoes to make the steamed potatoes.

Zachy hasn't stopped looking at me.
"What, are you surprised that I can cook?" I joke.
He laughs
"I have to admit. You're pretty good. Well, you look like you're a good cook. I can't say anything without tasting"
I chuckle while clean the counter.
"Right, so I'm making the chocolate cake now"
His eyes light up. Yes that's his favourite. His and Saj's. They've never tasted mine though so they will be surprised. Farhan bhiya, borobhiya and Aunty all love my chocolate cake.

My cake is in the oven, and my lasagna is done along with my potatoes.
"Ok, try this" I say to Zachy as I give him a small slice of the lasagna. He tries it hesitantly, but once it's in his mouth, his eyes go wide, and he smiles.
"You like?"
"I love man, this is awesome. Can I have more?" I start laughing at his eagerness.
"No, you need to wait till dinner"
"Because we need to have it together"
"Ok, now let me try" I say trying to reach for his plate. He moves it away.
"No, it's mine"
"Zachy I need to try it"
"Mine!" He says as he has another spoonful.
I huff and turn away.

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