Chapter 8 - Nightmares and avoidance

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I didn't expect to hear faint screaming.
I run upstairs and find out that the sound is coming from Innayah's room.
"Jas!" She screams
"Come back!"
I rush to Saj's room and wake her up.
"What's wrong?"
Saj gets out of her bed and goes to Innayah's.
Me and Amir stay outside.
"Innayah" I hear Saj say
"Amma, I swear I didn't do anything! Amma why aren't you listening. Amma" She cries
"Innayah" Saj says.
She calls Faheem.
"Faheem, yeah I think Innayah's having a nightmare. I don't know what to do"
"Oh shi-. Ermm I usually read her some parts of the Qur'an because that calms her. Saj you need to hold her tight and stay next to her. Don't wake her up or else she will be very closed off the next day"
"What do you mean?"
"The first time she had nightmares I woke her up she realised what happend and fell back asleep but ths next day, she stayed away from me, she didn't eat and she didn't get out of her room. I don't want that to happen there" he finishes
"Alright. Is it ok if Amir and Zak come in the room"
"Yeah just make sure Innayah has a scarf around her."
She ends the call.
Innayah has nightmares. What more will I learn about her?
"You two can come in now"
"I'll read her some Surahs" I say remembering the time Innayah said I have a nice voice. When she said that it made me all warm and happy.
I say some Surahs while Saj cuddles her and rubs her arm gently to soothe her. After she's sound asleep I couldn't help but wonder who Innayah really is.

She gives off this happy girl exterior about her as if she's always joyful and positive but so much has happend to her and these nightmares.. surely one cannot always be this happy when they go through this much.

I stop reading and go to my room. I read all the miss prayers and Isha then pray two Nafl prayers for Innayah's well being.
Before going to sleep I realised that I've never cared so much about another person to read prayer for them.


The sun beams through the curtains changing the colour of the room. I sigh and wake up to read Fajr and since my sleep is completely deprived I stay awake reading the Qur'an.
At 7 am I hear someone going downstairs so I peer through my food and see Innayah.
I follow her and see that she's making some breakfast but it's only for herself. She sees me there but she doesn't say or do anything.
"Where's my breakfast?" I say jokingly.
She doesn't smile at all she just walks out of the room with her food.Is this what Faheem meant?
I get changed to go for a jog which lasted more than usual.

Once I'm back I wanted it to be like yesterday when Innayah was making us all breakfast. She seemed so happy then but I'm confused as to whether that was just a facade.

Everyone eats quietly, Innayah hasn't came down to eat. There's no one here that's fully awake to make jokes and to make others laugh like Innayah does. She's only been here a couple weeks yet I can already sense the difference in the room when she isn't here.

"Zak did you see Innu when you came down to go for a jog" Amir asks. That's the first time he's called her a nickname.
"Yeah, I tried talking to her but she ignored me and went upstairs as if I wasn't there"
"That's what Faheem said she'll do"
"How long do you think it will last?"
"I don't know. Lemme call Faheem" I say

I go to my room to talk to him.
"Assalamualaikum" I say
"Walaikumassalam man. How's it going? How's Innayah?"
I smile at his concern.
"She's doing everything you said she would. I don't get it, she didn't even wake up"
"She probably did at one point but kept her eyes closed"
"How long does the avoidance usually last?"
"A couple of days, for you guys I'd say about three. C'mon man it's Innayah, she won't go a week without talking to someone"
"Why does she get the nightmares?"
"She witnessed her sister death and her mum basically disowned her. What else does a someone need?"
"She was screaming and crying"
He sighs defeatedly.
"You know what makes this worse. The fact that I'm away from her so I can't do anything to make it better. She needs me right now but I'm here"
"Well, is there anything that I can do?"
"If she's ignoring you then no there isn't. Just promise me that you're taking care of her"
"You actually think I wouldn't. For one, you will end me and for another she deserves the best"
"Yeah ok stop now"
I laugh. I knew he wouldn't like me praising her.
"Why don't you come here?"
"I was thinking about it but I wasn't sure about Aunty's reaction. What would she think if I come just like that"
"Then we'll surprise Innayah but everyone else will know"
"Alright but it can't be now because I have a feeling everything will be worse. I'll plan the details later. Zak take care of her, she's very important to me"
"I will man"

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