Chapter 10 - Getting to know each other

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I hear whispers in my room but choose to ignore it.
"Wake up"
I swear this monster doesn't leave me alone. Where's Borobhiya when you want him?
"Innayah wake up"
"Listen you stupid little monster. I want to sleep so go away!"
I bury my head under my pillow. Wait a minute.. last time Zachy was the monster. Oh no, I just embarrassed myself again didn't I? The sound of laughter fills the room answering my question.

"Come on baby sis wake up"
That's the voice I like to hear. He starts shaking me.
"Ok I'm up"
I sit on my bed and my eyes land on Zachy who has an amused look of his face.
"You ruin my sleep" I say to him
He starts laughing.
"Why do you call me a monster?"
"I'm used to Borobhiya waking me up so anyone else who wakes me up is a monster" I shrug. Call me weird but it's the functioning of my brain.
"Alright it's time to read Fajr" Borobhiya says then he kisses my head. Wait how did my scarf get on my head? Eh Saj probably did it because all of them are here.
I get up after they've all gone and read Fajr prayer.

I wake up tomorrow feeling really happy. I get ready while humming then go downstairs to make everyone breakfast. I don't even know why I'm happy. I guess it's because my borobhiya is here.
Amir comes down first. He sighs tiredly and checks the medicine cupboard.
"What's wrong?"
"Saj was in pain all night keeping both of us awake"
"Ohh how is she now?" I ask
"Better but I'm so tired"
"Is she awake"
"Nope she's finally asleep"
"Why don't you go back go sleep. I'll send you some breakfast after a couple of hours"
He smiles
"Thanks Innu" I smile, he finally called me by my nickname.

Borobhiya and Zachy come downstairs laughing their heads off and behind them is Aunty who's chuckling.
"What's so funny?"
"Amir came to my room and asked if he could sleep there. Apparently Saj was annoyed with him"
"Aww poor Amir man. He's been awake all night because Saj was in pain. At least both of them will get some sleep now"
"Not sure about that mai" Aunty says
I give her a confused look as I give out the breakfast to her.
"When you're married you get used to sleeping with your partner that it becomes hard to sleep without them" Aunty says with a sad look.
Her husband left her and got remarried. Zachy and Saj were furious when they found out and that was only when they were young teenagers.
I hug Aunty and kiss her cheek.

"You are the most amazing person I know. You're strong, kind, independent, beautiful, and you fear Allah. You have what most women nowadays lack Aunty. I'm very proud to know you"
She hugs me back.
"Thank you Mai" she says then kisses my cheek.
"You shouldn't be sad over someone who doesn't deserve to even see your beautiful face" I whisper in her ear and she gives a slight laugh.
"I'll remember that"

I give Borobhiya's plate to him and he gives me a proud smile. When I give Zachy's plate to him he smiles but it's different. It has more meaning if that makes sense. I choose to ignore it and eat my breakfast.

"I'm bored" I say out loud.
Everything is done. My room, the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, the hallways, Saj's room and Borobhiya's room are all clean and tidy so I have nothing to do.
"Go outside" Borobhiya says
"It's raining"
"What do you want to do?"
Zachy comes and sits down next to me and Borobhiya looks at him. Well glares at him more like.
"What?" He asks confused.
"Why are you sat next to her?"
"I don't know. First seat I saw"
I snigger.
"Idiot" I whisper to him.
"Zak!" he says sternly. Zachy sighs
"You are too protective. I feel sorry for your wife" Zachy says with a playful glare. I start laughing while Borobhiya grumbles under his breath.

"Lets play 20 questions" I say
"I wanna watch this though" Borobhiya says staring at the tv
"Fine! Zachy lets play"

"Favourite colour"
"Blue!" We say at the same time

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