Chapter 6 - Forced to shop

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I make myself some coco pops and a hot chocolate. Just when I'm done washing up Zachy and Amir walk in the kitchen.

"You've already ate... Without us. How could you?" Zachy says dramatically.
"You guys weren't downstairs so I thought I'd eat then call you"
"What did you eat?" Amir says curiously.
"Coco pops and hot chocolate" I mumble.
"What?" He says
"Coco pops and hot chocolate" I say a bit louder.
"No, you're eating something else as well" Zachy says "that's too small and it's not even counted as lunch. Faheem gave me the responsibility of your health and of he finds out anything happend to you then I will lose my head!"
I start to laugh.
"What! I'm being serious here. He's really protective over you which means he can do anything to me!"

"Zachy I don't think he will be allowed to harm you. Calm down. And I'm full, I won't be able to wat anything else. Ok"
"Not ok" Amir says
"Because he also told me to make sure you eat properly and even though I'm not as scared as Zakariya here" he points to him "I still care for your health"
I give him a 'tell me the truth' look.
"Alright, Saj told me to make sure you eat properly or else she won't talk to me or let me go next to her"
I start laughing loudly.
"Oh my gosh. Amiiiiir" I laugh for a bit more then finally calm down.
"Man, you're so cute" I chuckle "well I mean, you and Saj are cute but you more because you're scared of her"
"I'm not scared, I just don't want to make her annoyed considering her situation right now"
Me and Zachy glance at each other and smirk.
"Awwwwwwwwww Amiiiirrr" I say at the same time Zachy says
"Awwwwwwwwww so cute" in girly voice as he pinches Amir's cheek.
Amir blushes.
"Shut up"

"Ok guys, I'm going upstairs now" I make my way to the door but Amir blocks it.
"You're not getting away"
I look at him with wide eyes then turn my head to Zachy.
"Oh no. Oh Nooo. You're going to kill me aren't you. Aunty's not here, or Saj. They've both gone out for lunch. The both of you are going to get me for being annoying and mean. Oh my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I thought you were my friends and my brothers, and now, you're going to kill me. You can't do that. Don't do it, it's not good for your Deen. See, even though I might be getting killed I'm still trying to help you. C'mon guys, just don't-"
"Shut up Innayah" Amir says and I close my mouth trying not to laugh. "We're just going to make sure you eat. Don't think you got away with changing the subject"
I sigh defeatedly.

"Alright, I'll have an apple"
"No. You can have rice and curry"
"Ok, that won't be happening. I'm too full to eat that"
"Innayah, we'll feed you if we have to" Amir says
"I don't want to eat anything" I whine.
"Just have a bit. How about I have half and you have half?"
I look at him suspiciously.
He gets it on a plate and uses the spoon to draw a line down the middle. I sit down on the counter close to where he is.
"Ok you have that and I have that"
"Aah" I say opening my mouth.
He raises his eyebrows at me then looks at Amir. Amir shrugs and gets his food and sits next to me on the counter.

Zachy sighs and feeds me with the spoon. Sometimes I bit the spoon so he can't take it out of my mouth because he got annoyed. Me and Amir picked on him which made him more frustrated.

"You want anymore?"
"Uh uh" I shake my head. I jump of the counter and walk to get my water.
"I can't move" I say putting my arms around my stomach.
"You didn't even have a lot"
"I did. Don't forgot I had cereal and hot chocolate"
"I'm in my room. Don't miss me guys,I know it will be boring because you won't have anyone to make you laugh, and be happy but I need to be alone sometimes"
Zachy and Amir look at each other, then at me.
"Go away!" They say in unison.
I glare at them then go upstairs. After tidying my room for what seems like the millionth time I fall asleep.

When I woke up it was because Saj was banging on my door.
I groan and groggily walk to the door.
"Hello" I say with my eyes closed.
"Get in" she pushes me inside my room.
"Woahh. Calm down" I say still tired. I stretch then yawn. Then look at her amused face.

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