Chapter 17 - The Wedding

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It's my wedding! It's my wedding! I'm freaking out. I can't believe it's my wedding!
I woke up at Fajr time to pray but realised I couldn't and since then mum has been in my room. The girls came over here and have been staying at my house. Borobhiya rented a house for Zachy and his family before the engagement because he didn't want us in the same house. Aysha and Farhana have been gushing about today nonstop. I stayed with Alia since she is the only calm one and Fatema was with Saj because she thought it wasn't fair that we're all here. It's not just her, I thought it too... Plus if she was here then she wouldn't be any different than Aysha or Farhana.

"Come on, it's time to get ready" Mum says as she gets in.
"Here are your clothes, jewellry, and other things your going to need" she gives my stuff and leaves after kissing my forehead.
The girls usher me into the bathroom where I take a nice cooling shower and put on my bathgown. I walk out and put my hair into a bun after drying it.
Alia does my makeup, she is like a professional at doing it. I told her to keep it simple since I don't particularly like wearing a lot.
Once my makeup was done, I put my gold coloured scarf on, I added a head piece along with it.
I went to the bathroom and put on my dress and stilettos and walked out. Aysha paired my bangles together and Farhana gave me my necklace. I'm not going to lie but I love my dress, it's so nice. It's a plain red dress but on top is a red long jacket type thing that's falls to the floor and has heavy embroidery on it. It covers the plain dress underneath. After everything was done I looked at myself in the mirror.

To say the least I was shocked. I've never seen myself like this, I'm not going to lie. I really like how I'm looking right now. I turn and face the girls and they scream.
"You look so beautiful Masha Allah" Alia says. They all come to hug me and I happily hug them back.

"I can't believe the one who is. Sorry. Was so afraid and found the idea of marriage repulsive is the one getting married before us" Aysha says.
I laugh.
"Blame Zachy" I say and we all laugh.

Dad and Borobhiya knock on my door. Both of them have shocked expressions on their faces. They're wearing matching gold sherwanis but them modern ones.
I walk towards them only listening to the sound of my bangles because it's so quiet.
"My Munch is all grown up" dad says and I see a tear fall. I wipe it away even though I can feel some tears coming.
"I'm always your munch" I say and hug him tightly.
He kisses my cheek and smiles.
"May Allah bless you with happiness Mai"
I smile back and kiss his chek. Then I side step to Borobhiya who isn't looking at me.
I tilt my head to the side which makes him turn his head the other way. I hear the girls and my dad leave the room but I ignore it. I tilt my head the other way and he walks away to the window. I sigh and follow him.
"Why can't you just be like before, when you didn't want to get married" he whispers with a croaky voice.
I reach out and touch his cheek to turn his head towards me. He has watery eyes but refuses to look at me.
"Sorry" I say but he doesn't respond
"Borobhiya, I'm going to be right next to you. I'm not going anywhere in fact I'm getting us another family. You know how these Asian weddings are, you're not just getting Zachy you're getting a whole family. I know you're going to miss me and I'm going to miss you too but this has to happen"
"Urgh, why did you have to be so mature" he says and I chuckle.
He hugs me tightly and kisses my scarf.
"I love you sis"
"I love you too Borobhiya"
"Come on. We need to go" he says and takes my hand.
We walk down the stairs and to the court. We decided that we'd get legally married first then have a traditional wedding with only our close families and friends. Of course because we have Bengali mums we ended up having around 375 guests. I know, I tried convincing my mum to only get the people she really knows but she wouldn't budge. She knows how I feel about meeting new people. I believe her exact words were.
"Listen, you don't want to complete all the rituals at the Mehdhi, you didn't listen to me at all for the dress choices, you haven't been listening to my diet plan but I will make sure I get as many people as I want!"

Islamically in Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن