Chapter 25 - Unexpected Surprises

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Zachy's POV

It's been two days and I haven't told Innayah. I'm trying to surprise her. Today is the day. She's been very funny though, she doesn't know what's wrong with her which frustrates her but then she can't help what she does. I've told her doctor not to tell her anything so she doesn't find out.
"Zachy" she cries.
"What's wrong. Why are you crying?"
"I don't knooooow" she says like a kid. My lips twitch as I try and fight back a smile.
"Something is just making me cry"
I hug her rub her back soothingly.
"Chill out" I say softly in an attempt to make her feel better.
"Chill out!" She yells. "I'm bloody crying here and you're saying chill out? Is that the best you can say? I don't even know what's wrong with me, first I don't feel like eating. The smell of brownies is making me sick which is not normal at all! Now I'm crying and you are not making things better!" She shouts. I'm trying my best to not laugh. She's got deep mood swings.
"Are you smiling?" She asks as if it's a crime.
"Erm" I try and say but she walks out of the room. I sigh and lay on my bed. I need to tell this woman, and I need to tell her fast.
My phone rings and once I'm done talking I go downstairs to get Innayah. I find her asleep on the sofa. She looks so cute. I wouldn't say that to her though. Especially not in this state. She is the only girl who thinks being called 'cute' is an insult.

"Innayah" I shake her gently. No respond. I do the same as I did the time she fainted and she responds. Her arms wrap around me and she hugs me.
"Sorry" I say.
"No, I'm sorry. I didn't even know what I said before. Nothing is making sense to me and you're being nothing but supportive. Thanks Zachy" she kisses my cheek.

"I have a surprise for you" I say. Her eye light up.
"What is it?"
"Go upstairs and get ready. We're going somewhere"
She runs upstairs eagerly and half an hour later she's downstairs.

We get in the car and I prepare myself for a long drive.
"Where are we?"
"Where are we going?"
"Aren't you going to tell me anything?"
"It's a surprise. I can't tell you"
"It doesn't have to be a surprise" she huffs as she crosses her arms and leans into her seat. I chuckle at her as she pouts and looks out of the window.

"We're here"
"There's nothing but hills"
"Just come on"
I take her out of the car.
"Put this on" I hand her a blindfold.
"You're mad" she says still in a mood. I roll my eyes at her while putting the blindfold on her.
The whole way there she was complaining.
"Are we here now?"
"Finally" I take the blindfold off and watch her. Her mouth opens as she gasps. She smiles and I see some tears brimming at the bottom of her eyes. Emotional pregnant women. I shake my head.
"Zachy, this is amazing"

I look around. It actually looks awesome. I got some of my friends to set this up. Basically, we're at a place by the lake, there's a small picnic next to it but not so close. There are some lamps around it making it seem really cool.
"There's something I have to tell you" I tell her.

She turns to face me. In a normal case it should be her telling me the news but ours is different.
"Innayah, it should be you telling me this but there's some news. Remember the day you were sick?" She nods.
"The doctor told me what was actually wrong with you" I pause for a bit.
"Are you going to tell me? Because you're freaking me out. Stop wasting time" she huffs. I crack a smile.
"You're pregnant" I say.
Shock fills her face and after what seems like ages she smiles.
"I'm pregnant?"
I nod. "Alhamdulillah"
"I'm pregnant" she exclaims happily. She hugs me tight
"Oh, Alhamdulillah. Oh Allah thank you so much" I hear her say as she burries her head in the crook of my neck. I kiss her forehead.
"But I can tell that it's going to be a awful time for me. I mean you're only three weeks pregnant and you're already having mood swings"
She hits me playfully.
"I'm hungry" she states and walks to the picnic.

We eat together and joke about together.
"Ok your turn" she says.
I open my mouth wide and she tries to get a grape in. She throws it in the air and I catch it in my mouth easily.
She opens her mouth for me to do the same, but instead of one I grab three grapes and throw them at her. Needless to say, she didn't catch any.
"You failed" I laugh as she glares.
"You cheated" She pouts.
"Sorry" I laugh.

"You know if I told you the news it would've been so much better. I mean, you just said it whereas I, I would've made this awesome speech and made everything seem so special" she smirks.
I give her a 'are you serious' look ad I quirk my eyebrows.
"Oh so all this planning was for nothing then, the private reservations for the lake, the setting of the picnic and the scenario. Everything here looks awesome and you're saying you could do better?"
She laughs and nods.
"Yeah alright then"
She moves closer to me.
"I was joking. You made everything perfect. Alhamdulillah for having a wonderful husband like you. Honestly Zachy, I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much for the sake of Allah (swt)"
I smile at her and hug her tight.
"I love you too"

We spend a while staying like that. Not speaking, just staying in each other's presence until we decide to go back home. Well, I decide to go home. She, apparently, had fallen in love with the place that she wanted to spend the night there. It was after millions of nagging, dragging and scolding that she finally got up to go.

We went home only to be surprised with the lovely woman that gave me life. My mother.
"Amma?" I say in question not really believing she was there.
"Oh good. You're finally here. I was waiting ages" she laughs. Innayah runs to her and engulfes her in a huge hug. I put the blanket and picnic basket away and hug her too. I kiss her cheek and hug her again.
"I'm so happy you're here" I say.
"Me too. I have to tell you something" Innayah gushes.
"We have to tell her something" I correct. She waves me off.
"Yeah yeah ok. Guess what! I'm pregnant. Alhamdulillah" she squeals and hugs mum again and kisses her cheek making that 'mwah' sound. Mum looks a mixture of surprised and happy.
"You thought you were the only one that would be surprising people today didn't you" I smirk.
She laughs and hugs me.
"This is such a happy occasion. Lets pray two rakats to Allah to thank him for everything" mum says and we agree.
We read prayer together and then ate dinner together. The rest of the night was spent catching up with mum. She had a lot to tell us and even though I didn't want to listen I was forced by the two women.


"Zachy" I hear but I choose to ignore.
"Zachy" poke "Zachy" poke "Zachy" poke.
"What" I grumble.
"I can't sleep"
"Innayah, it's late at night. Just say some surahs you'll fall asleep"
She huffs but I know she's agreed to what I said because I can hear light whispers. She grabs my arm and cuddles it tight as if it's a teddy bear. I'm too tired to even laugh so I fall back asleep.

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