Chapter 13 - Everything is back to normal

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Mum's coming home today!!!!! I'm sooooo happy. I get up early and read my Fajr prayer thanking Allah for everything he's given me and to forgive me for all of my sins and my family's and friends.
Instead of going back to sleep me and Borobhiya tidy up the whole house. These guys left it in a big mess.

Everything is all tidy and done but I have a surprise.
"Ok, you go and get the decorations and I'll start with the baking"
We're not exactly having a party but we are welcoming my mum in style.

I get all the baking ingredients out and get started. I make brownies for me, cheesecake for Borobhiya, vanilla spongecake for dad, cookies for mum and banana smoothies for all of us.

Dad texts me that they would be here at 12 and it's already 11. Where's Borobhiya with the decorations.
"I'm baaack" he shouts.
"About time. There going to be here in a while"

We hang up the banner that says 'welcome home' and we have party poppers at the ready for when she comes. I rush to the kitchen to get everything out of the oven and fridge and set it nicely on the table. We hear a car beep.

"They're here!" I say and rush to the side of the door while Borobhiya takes the other side. Once the door opens we burst the party poppers letting it fall over her.
She laughs as well as all of us and give me a hug.
"You know, just because you've got your daughter back doesn't mean you can forget me!" Borobhiya pouts.
"I'm sorry my darling" mum walks to him and kisses his cheek.

"So, we have a surprise for you" I say
"Actually she has a surprise for us. She didn't even let me see what she did"
"Come on" I say and take them to the living room.
"Oh my" mum says in awe
"Wow" dad says
"Cheesecake!" Yeah you can guess who said that.
"I made all your favourite things" I smile as I get showered with hugs and kisses.
"Alright let me cook lunch for everyone then we can have these wonderful desserts"
"I already made lunch" I say.
I notice mum and dad share a scared look.

"I made fulab with chickpeas, Chicken strips, salad and a small chicken curry because there were some left over"
I know I could've just made the leftover into chicken strips but I wanted them to be impressed with me.
We all read namaz together then go to eat.

I serve them their food as well as mine. Me and Borobhiya dig in while mum and dad look nervous. I wouldn't blame them I was horrible at cooking before. Lets just say I burned water at one point. It could also be the fact that I set the kitchen on fire trying to make a smoothie, to this day I still don't know how I did it.
"Amma Abba just try it" I say.
They take a spoonful and grin.
"Amazing" mum says.
"How did you learn to cook like this?"
"With the help of Allah and motivation" I say dramatically.
Lunch was the best. We all laughed and talked and joked and fought. Sometimes it was the kids against the parents, sometimes it was mother and daughter against father and son, sometimes it was dad and daughter and mum and son.

Everyone enjoyed my dessert as well. We all had a bite of everything while watching a movie.

"Jurassic world was awesome!" I say
"Yeah I know right"
Me and Borobhiya talk about our favourite parts of the movie while dad and mum are talking about something completly different.

"Why did you forgive me so easily?" Mum says. We're sat in her room alone.
"You're my mum, I don't care what you do to me I will always forgive you"
"Even if I kill you?" She jokes
I can see where I get my humour from.
"Then I wouldn't be alive to tell you anyways"
"Seriously Innayah. What I said was something no mother should have said to her daughter"
"Amma, you said things out of anger and yes maybe that harmed me in so many ways but I lived two years without you. I will always be ready to forgive you no matter what because I know you will do the same for me"
"You've matured so much. I don't like it"
We laugh together.
"I've matured for you. Don't tell me you don't like it"
"Ok I won't"
"Amma, I need to know. Did you ever.. mean what you said"
"Never. Even when I said it"
"Then why didn't you tell me to stay"
"My ego stopped me then my fear. Trust me mai I've repented for my mistake by being away from you"
She hugs me.
"Ok, can we stop the serious talk now. The past is the past" I say.
"Ok. Now we need to decide.. how we are pulling a prank on the boys"
We both raise our right eyebrows and smirk evily. The duo is back!

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