Chapter 12 - We need to go

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Saj is taking me baby shopping against my will. She's forced me to come with her so I took Borobhiya with me and he took Zachy who also took Amir. That's how all of us ended up in Westfield.
"Ooh this is nice" Saj says as she looks at some cute baby clothes.
"Yeah" I agree.
I walk around the shop we are in. I find some adorable tops and decide to get that. It'll be my present to the future baby.
"We are going to need a baby basket"
"And a cradle" I pitch in
"And baby bottles and a cot"
"And nappys, clothes, beakers"
"You know a lot about what new born babies need" Zachy says
"Yeah well I do my research and some of it is common sense"
"Come here habibti" Amir says and Saj walks over to him.

We spend almost four hours shopping for baby things and I'm starving and tired.
"Does anyone else want to eat?" Zachy says
"Yes!" I shout getting some awkward looks which make me go red.
"Lets go" Borobhiya says.
We all get different foods and meet together to eat. I'm sat down with Zachy and Saj while we wait for Borobhiya and Amir.
They come a while later and start eating. Me and Borobhiya share our food. It's something we always do, whenever we're eating outside together we give half to the other.

"Today was so tiring. I could sleep right now" I groan as I flop down on the sofa.
"Same here" Amir says and he sits down on the sofa chair.
"I'm exhausted" Saj says and she dramatically flops down on the other sofa.
"I'm never shopping with you guys again" Borobhiya says and he sits next to me.
"Don't you shop with Innayah?" Amir says
"There's one thing that's amazing about Innu and that's the fact that she hates shopping. She only gets what she needs and that's it. She hates staying in one shop for too long"
I hit him with a pillow.
"Only one amazing thing?"
He doesn't say anything he just laughs.
Zachy comes in with a drink and he sits next to Saj.
"I hate shopping with girls" he says
"Oi!" Me and Saj both say as we throw a pillow at him.
I think he's too tired to say anything.

We're all laying in silence and I think Saj, Amir and Borobhiya are asleep. Out of nowhere I hear a phone ring which makes me jump.
It's Borobhiya's phone.
I answer it without looking.
"Walaikumassalam Innayah is that you?"
"Yes Abba it is"
"Where's Faheem. Never mind. You and him need to come here. It's urgent" he says quickly
"What. Abba calm down. What happened"
"It's your mum. She's in the hospital. She's had a heart attack!"
She had a what!
My breath hitches and my eyes widen. No! It can't be.
"Innayah. You both need to come here" he says then ends the call.
I can't believe this. I feel tears stinging their way out of my eyes and I don't think I can breathe properly. There's a massive knot in my stomach and it's tightening.
I shake Borobhiya vigorously.
"Innayah. What man. Stop it!" He says annoyed then he looks at me.
"What's wrong?"
"M.. M" I stammer
"Tell me"
"Mum.... She had a..... heart attack"
Tears fall down my face but I feel too paralysed to move.
"What!" Borobhiya shouts.
"We have to go" I tell him.
"Aunty!" He shouts.

The rest happens so quickly. Borobhiya tells everyone what happend and rushes me to the car. He drives so fast I'm scared we will get arrested. I can't stop crying. I keep thinking the worst. What if she.. No, Allah forbid that happens. I've lost my sister I can't lose my mum. I rub my hands together in panic and look at the time.

After 4 and a half hours we get to the hospital and Borobhiya drags me to the place. This whole time I've been praying to Allah (swt) to protect my family from harm. I'm not paying any attention to anyone. I'm letting Borobhiya drag me anywhere. All that's on my mind is her. After two years I'm going to meet her and it's the worst situation ever. He talks to the receptionist then pulls me to the elevator.

I see a blurry figure sat down on the chair. He looks so defeated and lost. His face isn't how I remember it. It's lost and pale. His clothes and rugged and wrinkled. His dark brown hair is messy and his hazel eyes have no light to them.
He looks up and I stop walking. I can't move anymore. I know I've talked to him on the phone but this time I'm face to face with him.
He walks to me and hugs me tight but I can't return it. My dad, my dad that I haven't seen in two years.
"Innayah" he says.
"Abba" I say quietly. I finally regain control of my body and hug him. I cry on his shoulder and my arms never let go of his torso.

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