Chapter 19 - The Surprise

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There's not long before Magrib so I get a start on dinner. The house seems pretty quiet which bugs me but I ignore it. I hear the Adhan so I read some Tasbee since I can't read prayer. Once I'm done I finish cooking. I haven't seen anyone in a while. So I go upstairs to my room to see if Zachy's there. The room makes me stop in my steps. It looks amazing. The room is candle lit all around with rose petals on the floor leading to Zachy whose smiling and holding a perfect white rose.

"Zachy... This is... Amazing"
"I'm glad you like it" he says. He walk over to me and gets on one knee.
"Innayah, will you dance with me?"
Aww my mind gushes.
"Of course" I grin.
He gets up and we dance slowly in silence. I can hear his heart beating rhythmically which soothes me down in a way.
He spins me and dips me. I gaze into his capturing eyes as he does the same to me. He leans in. Is he going to? But I want to? But I'm scared? Shall I? Ah I might as well.

Our kiss was perfect. I don't exactly want to go into details but just know it was amazing. We're sat on the balcony outside looking at the sunset.
"Where is everyone?" I ask.
"I asked them to leave"
I raise an eyebrow.
"I wanted tonight with just us two, so they went out for dinner"
"You could've told me that before. I cooked for everyone"
"Sorry" he smiles sheepishly.
"It's fine"
"So how was the surprise?" He wiggles his eyebrows which makes me laugh.
"It was awesome"
"Good. Can we eat now? I'm starving"

We walk downstairs and eat together. I make Zachy laugh while he's drinking his water which makes him spit it all out. It was hilarious.
He started coughing so I patted his back but since then he's been trying to make me laugh. I really want to drink my water but I don't want to spit it.
"Alright. I'm going to turn away so then I don't have to look at your face" I turn around and start drinking.
"Oh so my face is funny now, can't you look at me while you're drinking water. Oh wow thanks Innayah"
I grin. Once I'm done I face him.
"Ha ha, you didn't make me laugh" I stick my tongue out.
He sighs and walks to the sink to put his plate away. I finish the rest of my water then walk to the sink as well.
"I'll wash up" I say.
"Already started" he says. I sit on the counter and watch him wash up.
"I know I'm extremely good looking but you don't have to stare"
"I'm your wife, I have a right to stare"
"That true" he says as he flicks some water at me. I flick some back at him then run upstairs with him running after me.

I run into my room then into the bathroom and lock it.
You're going to come out one way or another"
"You can't make me"
For ten minutes I don't hear a sound. I think he's gone. I slowly open the door and walk out. He's gone. I let out the breath I was holding.

Just as I'm about to get into my bed I'm tackled to it. Zachy tickles me so much I can't breath. This was the last moment of my life. Watching the gleaming light in his eyes before closing my own. That was the last moment I will ever remember... Because now I'm gone.

Jokes, Alhamdulillah I'm not gone. I just kicked Zachy in the stomach making him fall to the side of me. He groans in pain and I laugh like mad. I know, it's mean but I really hate tickles.
"Let this be a lesson to you, don't tickle me again"
"You never kicked Faheem"
"You never witnessed me. I did worse to him"
I sit up while he moves his body so his head is laying on my lap. He grins at me while I look at him with raised eyebrows. I shrug and decide to let him, mostly because I like it. I run my fingers through his hair as he closes his eyes. I've always wanted to touch his hair. It's so soft and thick. I don't know but I have a thing for guy's hair. I always messed Faheems up but Zachy's hair is different. I love the way it feels.

I hear light snores and I think he's asleep. Aww he looks so cute. I kiss his cheek gently and continue playing with his hair.

It's almost Isha time so I need to wake him up, but how do you wake up such a cute face. I shake him gently but it doesn't work. So I shake him harder, still nothing. I shout in his ear, nothing. Man, it's Isha time in about 15 minutes.

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