Chapter 11 - Again!

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Innayah's POV

I'm so tired. My body is actually aching. Well I guess that's what you get after four hours of an intense workout. What? I want to maintain the abs I'm getting. Not exactly a six pack but I'm gletting there. I drink the last of my water and put my abaya on. I walk out of the room and go to my room to take a shower. It's like 10:30 so I read Isha namaz and go to sleep.

Jas and me are shopping together, something we always do. We spend ages in one shop just messing about with stuff. We walk into forever 21 and try on some shades that they have there. Jas pouts and smiles and makes other expressions as if I'm taking so many pictures of her. I laugh at her silliness and do the same. We walk around looking for some dresses.
"I need some more leggings" I say.
"You've got loads, you shouldn't be wearing them anyways" she says in her beautiful voice.
"Jas, let me mature. Once I'm older I'll change"
"You know that's not good. What if-"Ok ok, I get it" I interrupt her. She rolls her eyes at me yet smiles.
"I'm getting these shades" she says. She walks to the till and pays then we walk out.

There's a car placed right at middle.
"What's that doing here?" I ask and turn to Jas. Her eyes are wide and she pushes me away. The car runs her over but doesn't stop. She laying there bleeding, it's not stopping. What do I do? I-I I can't move my body. I want to go to Jas but I can't. They're taking her away and I'm placed in the ambulance. I'm looking at her ghost like body.

Suddenly I hear a voice.
"It's all your fault! You could've saved her! You murderer! Get out! I never want to see you again! I've lost my daughter because of you! I can't believe I gave birth to you!" The voice echoes through my head making it too much for me. I cluch my head tightly.
"Stop!" I cry. They don't stop. It's on repeat. It carries on going. The voice echoes through my mind. My head aches. It's like it's squeezing together. I feel like I'm being chocked, something is weighing me down.

It's like I'm being pulled out of it, I hear my hero. He's the voice that helps me all the time. He's the voice that saves me from the nightmares. He's the one I hold with the greatest esteem. My brother. He reads Ar-Rahman, my favourite Surah in the Qur'an Alhamdulillah.
Once he's done, I'm awake. I open my eyes to look at him.
"It's alright" he whispers.
"I'm sorry" I sob.
"It's not your fault. Everything will be ok Insha Allah"
He kisses my forehead and holds me close. He rubs soothing circles on my back to calm me and in no time I'm asleep with my hand clasping his.

When I wake up in the morning I sit on my bed for a while. There's half an hour left till Fajr prayer and I know no one will come in. I just need some time to think. You guys may be a little confused, you see these nightmares happen quite often, because I never actually saw how the car ran her over my mind picks different scenarios. It takes the happinest memory I have of her and ruins it with her death. Everytime I have Borobhiya to say a surah for me which calms me down. I really don't know what would happen if he never came. It's like they're getting worse. I have difficulties breathing now which didn't happen before. Anyways, Borobhiya is seriously the best brother ever, he takes care of me as if I'm his daughter. I love him so much, without him I can't picture my life.

The door opens with makes me turn my head. Borobhiya comes in and smiles. His green eyes shine and his hair looks messy. He comes and sits next to me.
"How are you feeling?" He says softly.
"I'm ok" I smile.
"Tell me what happend"
I fill him in with everythibg that happend at my dream
"Then you came and pulled me put of it" I say with a small smile.
"We need to see the doctor, this seems like it's getting worse"
"I don't like the doctors" I pout.
He gives me a pointed look but I smile cheekily. He kisses my forehead and hugs me.
"Innayah, don't leave me"
"I'm here" I say as we break the hug.

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