i'm alive

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sorry about the serious lack of uploading. i know people have commented and stuff like "pls update" and stuff but man. this next chapter is gonna be so short/awkward and one of the last. i honestly don't really know how much more i'm going to write before the end, but i have a great idea for it. i keep saying how i need to update and i just don't because i'm literally so stuck right now. the next chapter is gonna be up someday, but it will be very short and crappy and thats okay with me. i love the ending my head, but who knows how well it will all turn out to be.
i've also been very down lately, and i feel like my writing is going to crap by saying that and i know i probably say that like in every chapter but its true and i don't want to upload crap chapters just because i wasn't feeling the greatest.
also this book was something i did during the school year , when i didn't let myself watch youtube or netflix because i knew i would stay up until 4 am every night (but even not doing that i stayed up until 1-2 am but thats better than 4 right?) and now its summer and i can stay up as late as i want so writing and reading is not my first choice of action, and i apologize for that.

sorry about my crap author/updating skills, but i thought i would just give you a heads up on whats been going on.

p.s i'm going to delete his when the new chapter comes out

p.p.s i'm okay and i hope you're all doing well too


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