Chapter 2

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After a few awkward conversations and watching toy story 1-3 we decided to go get some food.

"Pizza?" Sam asked me and Jarrad as we pulled put of the drive way.

Jarrad turns around and asks "What do you want livvyy?"

"It doesn't really matter. Whatever you guys want"

We ended up going to McDonalds and heading back to To the house.

"Lets play truth or dare." Suggested Sam.

"We need more people love, it's not fun with just three..." I said patting is leg

"I'll go call kian and Eric. Jarrad go get Corey out of his room!"

Sam and Jarrad left to get more people and I just sat on the floor waiting on them to come back.

"Kian" I heard Sam yell as he opened the door

"Move bitch! I'm hungry!" I watched as Kian walked in the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

Sam pushed him into the living room where I was.

"That's Olivia. She is living with Jarrad and Corey."

"Hey Olivia I'm kian. Nice to meet you!" He said with the most adorable smile I had ever seen.

i mean Besides SAMs

"Please call me Liv, and it's nice to meet you too kian."

Eric walked in and Sam introduced me to him. Soon Jarrad and Corey came back in.

"Let's get this started" I yelled "and shall we make this interesting?"

Everyone looked at me puzzled

"Do you guys have any thing 'to drink'?"

"OHHHH" everyone said together.

Corey ran in the kitchen and came back with an arm full of beers. I instantly grabbed 2 and returned to the circle we had formed on the floor. I downed one and sat the bottle in the middle so we could use it as a spinner.

"I like her" kian laughed as he scooted closer to me.

Jarrad also scooted closer to me and put his arm over my shoulders.

"I will go first" I said spinning the bottle it landed on Sam. "Truth or dare?"

"Ughm truth?"

"Do you have a girlfriend Mr.Pottorff?"

"Nope" Sam said as he began to spin the bottle "Jarrad truth or dare?"

Well this should be interesting


"I dare you to make-out with Liv for 5 minutes in the pantry!"

Oh God... WHY ME?

"easy! LET'S GO LIVVYY" Jarrad said as he grabbed my hand.

"Wait, Jarrad! SLOW DOWN" I said as Jarrad picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"See ya in 5" Jarrad said as he closed the door which shut us in the dark pantry.

I heard the door lock behind him leavin us in total darkness. It was silent for a few moments. Then everything else happened so fast.

"Let's not waste time" Jarrad whispered, his lips only inches from mine

He crashed his lips onto mine.

The kiss was slow at first but began to deepen quickly. I felt him push me slightly so my back was now pressed against the wall. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put hands on my waist. I could feel his chest against mine.

This Is bad. I should push him away. But he just felt so familiar. So RIGHT.

Is this 5 minutes up yet. I hope not.

Jarrad picked me up. I instantly wrapped my legs around his hips.

He moved his lips from Mine and began kissing my neck.

"Jarrad" I moaned

I tilted my head back. I felt Jarrad lower me and start to move me to the floor. He turned us over so I stratled him. I leaned down and kisses him again, this time our tongues made contact and pushed against each other then I saw light out of the corner of my eye.

I quickly looked up and saw the door was open and everyone stood in the door way watching us with shocked looks on their faces.

"Shit" whispered Jarrad "how long have you guys been standing there?"

Kian looked at his watch. "Well, your 5 minutes was up about 5 minutes ago. So since then."

I blushed a deep red. Jarrad sat up and I moved along with him (because I was still on top of him) i slowly rolled over off of his lap. This is really embarrassing. I looked over and saw a very red faced sam.

"OH JARRAD" Corey said mimicking me. They all started laughing. I turned back and looked over at Jarrad who seemed to be in shock.

"You guys heard that?" I asked smacking my hand over my mouth. God I was so embarrassed. I pushed past all of them and sat down in the living room.

"You guys were so loud" said Sam who was still laughing. "We heard everything from the heavy breathing to the lip smacking."

We played for a little while longer then everyone decided they would go home. I walked in my room and went to my closet and started to change into my pajamas when I heard the door creek open.

"Jarrad, I'm changing" I said as I stood in the closet in nothing but my underwear.

I peaked out and saw Jarrad laying over on my bed with a sad look on his face. I pulled on one of his old tshirts and went and sat down beside him.

"What's wrong?"

"Would you have kept going if we weren't interrupted?" He asked me with lust and anger in his eyes.

"Yes, No, I don't know?" I asked confused. "Why?"

"Corey went to sleep, and all the other guys are gone, there is nobody to stop us"

"Jarrad let's not go there."

He sat up and started stroking my hair.

"Jarrad don't"

"Livvyy, I still love you." He said

I turned to look at him. The expression in his face showed that he was completely serious.

"Jarrad we can't......" But I was cut of by his lips on mine.

"Nobody is going to interrupt us"

He began unbuckling his belt. 'I can't' I thought to myself. 'I won't' but I just laid there with an anxious feeling.

"I have missed you so much Livvyy"

Jarrad whispered into my ear.

I liked Sam. Why I doing this. I felt Jarrad climb on top of me. I didn't protest. I looked up and thought 'one night can't hurt anyone' I leaned up and began kissing him. 'This is the last time' at least I hope it is.

*chapter 2:Authurs note*

Woah wasn't this chapter intense?

I wrote this really quickly so it's not as detailed as It should be but I hope you enjoyed it a little more than the first. But if you liked this chapter, there is much more in store.


Our 2ND Life, My first love (a sam pottorff&Jarrad Labarrie/o2l fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now