Chapter 4

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Later as the party started pumping up. Me and kian got a bit drunk we hit the dancedfloor and started grinding on each other.

"God Liv you are so perfect." Kian whispered before he started kissing my neck. I turned around and looked into kians eyes.

He started to lean down and before I could back away his lips pressed to mine. Instantly I felt sparks. What's going on? I like Sam... I just slept with Jarrad, now I am making out with kian.!

"Let's go upstairs" I whispered in kians ear before I even realized what I was saying.

"We can't Sam just went upstairs. I think he's in your room" kian said looking towards the top of the stairs.

"Another time then" I feel like such a slut. Why can't I just like one guy? Kian headed off to get another drink.

I decided I was going to go upstairs and see if Sam was still there.

As I made my way up the stairs I realized I was completely faded. I already knew talking to Sam while I was drunk wasn't smart, but what the hell it's a party.

Mistakes were meant to be made at parties.

I opened my room door and as kian had guessed Sam was there. He was on the edge of my bed with a sad look on his face and a red cup in his hand. At least I knew I couldn't embarrass myself because he was drunk too, but I was hoping nothing that we would regret later would happen.

"Hey Sam," I whispered " what's wrong?"

"Hi liv." He said motioning for me to come sit. So I did " we need to talk."

"Ughm okay."

"I know there is something going on between you and Jarrad. And I saw you and kian together tonight." I really didn't like where this was going. "But Livvyy I like you."

"What?" I was completely dumbfounded. Sam likes me! SAM LIKES ME! I can't believe it!

"I know you probably don't like me back, but I just don't want to regret not telling you so I decided just to get it off my chest."

He stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait, Sam you're wrong. I do like you." I figured if I was going to tell him something I should tell him the truth. The whole truth.

"But Sam i also like Kian and I have history with Jarrad."

He turned around and walked back around to the edge of the bed where I sat. He grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes and said. "Livvyy I don't care about your history with Jarrad and it's okay that you have feelings for kian, but just know I am going to get you and you will be my girl. Even if I have to fight for you."

He grabbed my chin and kissed me passionately yet roughly. It was different from when I kissed Jarrad. Jarrads kisses were exciting & forbidden. It was different from when I had kissed Kian. Kians kisses were heart warming spark filled kisses. But Kissing Sam felt magical yet dangerous.

Sam let me go and walked out of the room without another word. I sat there confused and complete sober after the kiss.

Who do I want. Who should I choose. Why can't I just decide on one. I can't pick Kian or Sam without hurting Jarrad. I can't pick Sam without destroying his and Kians friendship. I can't pick kian because I don't want to lose his friendship.

So many choices. Which choice is right though?

*Chapter 4: AUTHORS NOTE*

Hmmm so many choices who do you want Livvyy to end up with...? Comment or tweet me what you think (my links are below) Also you can tweet me for spoilers about the next chapter. Thanx guys don't forget to vote.

Also the rest if the O2L boys will probably be in the next chapter or the chapter after it. I hope you look forward to it.

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Love you all... Stay wonderful...


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