Chapter One: Let The Flames Begin

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||Allie's POV||

*trigger warning*

"Come on babe, we'll be fine!"

I hesitated before pulling my hand from my boyfriend's embrace.

"Daren, I don't think-"

"Shh, stop worrying so much, Allison. You'll be f-fine!" His words slurred together, just furthering my uneasiness. He was obviously too drunk to understand what he was saying. I was sure that he wouldn't remember anything that happened tonight, tomorrow morning.

I stuttered out an "okay" before taking in my surroundings. A house party.

It was the end of mine and Daren's freshman year, and one of his friends were throwing a party to congratulate all of the future graduates. I ignored the kegs of beer and the slight stench of marijuana smoke because that's what was at every college party I'd ever attended, and the norm for a party this size.

There were people everywhere, from the living room, to the kitchen where rows of empty bottles already littered the countertops, to the hallways, even upstairs in some of the bedrooms were people (doing "things" that were obviously very different than drinking and smoking).

I never expected to be so uneasy about a party before, but that's what I was feeling. Daren was my ride home and I promised my parents I would be home by 11. It was already midnight and my phone was dead.

"It'll be okay." I thought to myself, trying to reassure my fear, "Pete will cover for me."

Pete Wentz was my older brother, sure he was a talented bassist to his fans, but to me he was just my dorky older brother that I had grown up with. He was only older by 6 years but to this day he still believes he's better because he has had more "life experience".

I felt my heartbeat pickup as I remembered my brother back home, who was probably worried sick. I tugged on Daren's flannel covered arm, "Babe, I have to go home."

He turned around after talking to his group of friends which consisted of three cheerleaders and two quarterbacks from our college's team, "What did I just say, Allison? Relax."

I shook my head disobediently, "Daren please, let's just go. You've had enough to drink."

"Excuse me?"

"I said you've had enough-"

I was cut off with a sharp stinging pain on my face, and stumbled to the floor. He hit me.

Daren Michaels. My boyfriend of a year and three months. The one I had fallen in love with while being forced into working with as a lab partner in chemistry class. The one I trusted with my life and my secrets. The one I spent a whole week with last summer up north at his cabin. He had hit me. I was in pain because of him.

I was so taken aback that I didn't notice that he was crouched in front of me, anger splayed across his features, "And I said we'll be fine."

"I-I'm sorry." Was all I could think to reply.

Daren sat still for a minute before his features did a complete 180 and he was looking at me with a loving gaze, "I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean to hurt you. Why don't we go upstairs? Get away from the noise? See if I can make you feel better?"

I nodded my head, thankful he had gotten over his drunkenness for the time being, "Please?"

He stood up and put his hand out for me, which I gratefully accepted.

He rubbed his thumb slowly and lovingly across the back of my hand as he led me upstairs, smiling the whole way.

We turned down the hallway, and I started to tug him towards the bathroom to where the wash-rags were, but he had other ideas and pulled me towards the nearest bedroom.

Come On, Make It Easy // P.S.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें