Chapter Sixteen: I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears

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||Pete's POV||

It had been about two days and Allie still hadn't woken up yet.

The doctors were throwing around such stupid and meaningless words like "catatonia" and "psychological distress" as if they couldn't actually diagnose Allie.

My sister: the mystery to modern science, everyone.

It was on the second day that her doctor finally got something, "We are leaning towards this breakdown being connected to stress induced migraines." His monotonous tone drawled on over one of the many hospital tables in the cafeteria.

"Migraines?" Joe asked, "Everyone gets migraines."

"These are not your average migraines. They are debilitating. You either need to sleep or take medication to get rid of the pain, it is horrible-" He stopped when he saw our faces, way to be blunt, "I apologize for being so nonchalant. However, we can prescribe Allison with a medication-"

"Allie." Patrick said from beside me.

"Excuse me?" The doctor stopped, glancing over at the boy who had talked for the first time that day.

Patrick's head shot up and he cleared his throat as if he forgot he had even said anything. His eyes casted back to the table.

"She prefers Allie." Patrick mumbled, stirring the small straw in his lukewarm coffee- never taking a drink, never even considering bringing it to his lips. He hadn't eaten or drank anything unless we forced him to.

"Oh, my apologies, again." The doctor continued, "Anyway, we can prescribe Allie a medication that will help relieve the pain."

"What are the details for the medication?" I asked, tapping my foot against the bar on my chair.

"Well, there are side effects but those are a rarity. There will be three different medications. One will be daily, and will also double as Allies..." The doctor hesitated, "depression medication, while the other two are going to be your basic Ibuprofen or Tylenol based on how bad the headache is. You'll ask Allie to rate her pain, if it's less than a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, you can give her the smaller dosage. If it's more than 5-"

"Yeah, yeah the higher dosage." Patrick cut him off, "Do you have any idea when she is going to wake up?"

He sighed as if he expected this question to be coming, "You need to understand, Mr. Stump that this is entirely new to everyone here. We do not know when Miss Wentz will be joining us because we simply do not have any information on anything like this before."

"So you don't know?" My voice came out harsher than I intended. The poor guy was just trying to do his job, not like we were making it any easier.

"No, I do not. But I'm sure it can't be too long now. Please don't worry yourselves." He stood from his chair and left us at the table to replay everything he had said.

After a moment of silence Andy spoke, "We should go wait for her."

Patrick was already halfway out of his seat before Andy even finished speaking, throwing his cup of coffee in the trash on his way out the door. We followed behind him, traveling through the hallways and odd corridors to find Allie's room just as we'd left it.

A nurse was in the room checking Allie's vitals when we'd arrived, she greeted us with a small "hello" and then continued.

Come On, Make It Easy // P.S.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang