Chapter Four: This Was No Accident It Was A Therapeutic Chain Of Events

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||Patrick's POV|| 

"Allie what the hell was that?" I questioned as the glazed-over look left her eyes.

She looked down to her lap and fiddled with her hands, "I don't-"

"Don't bullshit me." I demanded, concerned for the frail girl sat in front of me.

"You shouldn't curse. It doesn't sound right coming from you. You're too innocent." Allie wiped a tear that escaped the corner of her eye.

I put my hand on her shoulder, mentally pleading for her to look at me, "Allie. Please."

Her eyes finally met mine and my stomach twisted into knots as the shocking blue pierced into me, "No, Patrick. Don't."

My heart dropped to my feet when she spoke again, the sentence tearing into me like a wolf into it's prey, "You can't stop him."


How did this happen?

What had hurt my Allie-Cat so much that she couldn't be..well, Allie anymore?

It was about 5AM and I hadn't been able to sleep at all. Pete hadn't come home yet and Allie was worried sick, not to mention blaming herself because of his disappearance.

Everything is such a mess, I thought as I put my head in my hands.

I was in the quiet darkness of my room thinking over what Allie had told me, her words echoing through my head like a song stuck on repeat.

"You can't stop him."

Who is he? What happened to my Allie?

I was at Pete's that night. I was there to calm Pete down when he was worried sick about Allie not coming home. I was there when he had to lie to their parents. I was there when she called him in a panic, begging him to get her. I was there to see her emerge from that stupid phone booth looking terrified and scared. I was there when she barely talked or ate or came out of her room. I was the one to find out about her cutting.

She could trust me with anything and yet she didn't.

I tried dialing Pete's cell again but was met with the same achingly familiar voicemail, "Yo dude...or lady if you don't like being called dude, I can't get to the phone at the moment, leave your name and number at the tone. I'll get back to you! *beeeeep*"

"Pete." I said into the cell speaker for what felt like the millionth time that night, "She needs you back here, man. I know it hurts like hell trust me, I know. But you can't blame yourself for this. We are all worried sick about you, so just come on home. Please."

I hung up and ran my hands through my hair again, suppressing a sigh as I got up and made my way into the living room where Allie still stood, pacing.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked as she stopped to look at me, then continued pacing again.

"Allie you can't just ignore me."

She paced even more, making my voice shake with anger, "Who is he?"

Her pacing slowed to a stop again as she took a deep breath, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I said cautiously, placing a hand on her arm.

She stepped back so her arm was free, making me wince in hurt, "What happened to you that night?"

Her bright blue eyes locked onto mine and I felt myself fall into her gaze. For a split second, I thought she would tell me.

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