Chapter Three: All This Delusion In Our Heads Is Gonna Bring Us To Our Knees

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||Allie's POV||

Living with four guys who have the maturity level of five year olds is hard.

So far, Joe has jumped off the kitchen island because apparently the "arrival of the female Wentz is cause to drink". Thanks Joe.

Patrick has been undeniably the sweetest guy ever, making sure I'm okay, and being kind even when I told everyone to piss off because my head hurt.

Andy has made sure to give me noogies everytime I come within a foot of him which is frustrating when you're trying to grab a glass of water.

And Pete being Pete, treated me like I was six years old again, reminding me to brush my teeth before bed and telling me to take medicine for my headache. He was like a freaking momma bird.

And it's only been 14 hours since I got here. Talk about rolling out the welcome wagon.

As 1:30 rolled around I found myself slowly falling asleep as the boys and I finished watching Avatar. Or I should say, as I finished watching Avatar because all the boys had fallen asleep.

Patrick had his fedora down over his face and was lightly snoring to my left, and to my right Pete had his chin resting on his hand and had a small amount of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth. Across from me Andy and Joe shared a blanket on the other couch as Joe leaned into Andy and was resting his head on his shoulder. I giggled at that and took a quick photo with my iPod before turning off the movie and gently shaking my brother awake.

"Pete.." I whispered as his eyes shot open and he looked around as if he had forgotten where he was before smiling up at me and rubbing his eyes sleepily, "What time is it?"

"Around 1:30." I said, pointing towards Joe and Andy, "The two lovebirds and the sunshine boy need to be woken up."

Pete chuckled and mumbled something along the lines of "you and these nicknames" before he stood up and ripped the blanket from Joe and Andy, making them shoot up and screech. Which of course woke up Patrick as he held a hand over his heart, knocking his fedora to the ground.

Pete and I were doubled over in laughter as the three other boys collected their wits, or..what they had left anyway.

"T-That was" I took a deep breath, "T-That-"

"Yes. Fucking hilarious." Joe muttered sleepily as he crawled off the couch and went into his room, mumbling a "goodnight" as he closed his door behind him.

Pete and Andy both went to bed after kissing me on top of my head and Andy telling me to get some sleep. Leaving just Patrick and I in the living room.

I pulled my hair down from my ponytail and watched my brown hair cascade in waves over my shoulders as I folded up the blankets on the couch, not noticing that Patrick was staring at me with a gaze that represented curiosity.

"What?" I asked.

He straightened up and coughed a bit before replying, "N-Nothing I just really.." He seemed to be fishing for what to say, "l-like your pajamas. Yeah."

"'Trick I haven't changed out of my regular clothes yet."


I furrowed my eyebrows at his awkwardness, when was he so different around me all of a sudden?

We were so close back when I was still living down here, but now distance separated us.

Maybe it wasn't the distance.

Maybe it was just me.


Finally getting some time alone in the bathroom, I brushed my teeth then tossed my toothbrush and toothpaste inside my duffel.

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