Chapter Eleven: Best Friends Better Off As Lovers

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||Patrick's POV||

When Allie was pouring her heart out to me, all I could do was stare. She was so beautiful, even when she was pissed at me.

I could tell she was really irritated by the way her face got all red and flustered. Her eyebrows were drawn so tightly together I figured she had to have been experiencing a headache from all of the tension.

She took a deep breath and continued yelling at me, with each word she moved closer and closer, pointing her finger at my chest. I could practically taste her minty breath because of how close she was standing. I swallowed, wanting nothing more than to kiss her, right then and there, "You fucking kicked me out of OUR room! We were supposed to share! Why did you do that!? I've been nothing but nice to you and I've tried forgetting about the fact that you're pushing me away but NEWS FLASH PATRICK STUMP IT IS NOT THAT EASY TO GET RID OF ME AND IF..." Allie took a deep breath and dropped her hand, speaking softer, "if you didn't want to be my friend anymore...then you could've just said so. I would've understood. I don't appreciate the cold shoulder, Patrick. I'm sick of the cold shoulder."

My heart broke as she wiped away a tear that fell down her face, I wanted to wrap her in my arms and hold her as tight as I possibly could. I felt like such a dick for hurting her the way I did.

She took a few steps back from me, distancing herself as she continued, each word breaking my heart even more, "I just don't understand. I want to understand why you've avoided me. I know it's my fault. I know it is. I just want to know why..what did I do 'Trick.."

She turned around, facing the wall instead of me, and muffled her shaking voice with her palms, pressing hard into her eyes.

"Allie-" I started, my voice soft.

"No." She cut me off, "I don't need your pity. I just came here for an answer. After I get that then I'll stay out of your hair."

Her shoulders shook and and I slowly approached her, setting my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I said sincerely.

She shrugged my hand off her shoulder and turned to face me again. Her stunning blue eyes were flooded with emotion and I felt myself crumble.

I love you.

Allie took a shaky breath and continued, still distancing herself from me, "Why Patrick? I can't even believe you! I trusted you with everything! I still trust you with everything!" She was yelling again, "I don't know what happened! Was it because I tried to kill myself!? Do you think my attempt is a viable excuse to leave me alone?!"

My eyes widened in shock, Why do you always jump to the worst conclusion?! My thoughts were screaming at Allie now in response, Can't you see what I did wasn't because of you?! I wanted to protect you! I always want to protect you.

But she never heard those thoughts. Only I did.

"I never wanted this to happen! If this is because of me then just come out and SAY IT! I'm sick of playing this guessing game!" She kept yelling and talking so fast, I was definitely alarmed.

"You know what the worst part of this is?! You knew exactly how I felt about you and yet you STILL decided to leave me alone!"

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