Chapter Twenty One (pilots): Face Down

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*trigger warning*

||Patrick's POV||

It was all of about five minutes before I sobered up and became concerned. Allie normally didn't take this long.

Not that I pay attention to her bathroom habits, but she was nervous tonight and she knew she wasn't supposed to go off alone.

I walked away from the brunette that was trying to get my attention and saw that the line for the downstairs restroom was fairly long. There had to be another bathroom somewhere, Allie probably went to one of the ones upstairs.

Following my gut I took the stairs quickly, focusing on not falling on my face as I took them two at a time.

The hallway was extensive. Almost ominous with the art pieces and the lights were all off, making it nearly pitch-black. From a short distance I could see a rather heavy looking table turned over on its side with an expensive vase in pieces on the floor.

My heart dropped to my feet and I started to panic, "Allie!" I called.

No answer.

"Allie-Cat!" I bellowed, hoping that she just couldn't hear me the first time.

Again, nothing.

My fingers fumbled quickly with my phone as I dialed and redialed her number dozens of times, each going directly to her voicemail. I ran quickly back down the stairs, searching desperately for one of the guys.

Andy was by the DJ table, gawking at the girl behind it, they were having a quiet conversation despite the loud music that pulses through the living room.

I got to Andy quickly and tugged on his arm, he turned and immediately took note of the panic in my expression, "What's wrong?"

"Allie." I said fast and out of breath, "She went to go to the bathroom and then she didn't come back and there was a toppled over table in a hallway nobody has gone to upstairs which is where her bathroom was and her phone is off and she-"

"Patrick!" Andy stopped me, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Quick summary!"

"She's gone, Andy." I felt sweat build on my forehead as I spoke. Every word sinking slowly into my bones as Andy tugged me through the crowd.

"We need to find Pete and Joe. Now."

My head was swarming, every instinct told me that she was with him, but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to think that I let her go off on her own and now she's gone.


||Allie's POV||

When I woke my head was throbbing horribly. I groaned a little until I realized why I was hurting, and immediately shut myself up.

Opening one cautious eye, I took in my surroundings. Tan. Tan walls, raspberry bedspread, wooden table.

A bed.

I was in a bed.

This was a motel room, and I was in a bed because of Daren.

I looked down quickly, checking to see if any part of my outfit had been removed or any sign that he had tried to hurt me again. Luckily I saw no evidence of such and sighed quickly, relieved.

The room was empty aside from me, and I panicked again. How long had it been? What if we were in a different state because that douchebag had me in his car?

I pat myself down and realized my phone was still with the boys in that beautiful white clutch 'Trick had given me earlier today.

The thought of 'Trick sent me into a spiral once again, what if he didn't know I was gone? What if he kept drinking and forgot about me? What if he just didn't care?

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