Chapter Fifteen: We Don't Fight Fair

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||Allie's POV - 2 years ago||

"Come on, don't be a chicken 'Trick." I shouted from my seat on the couch, giggling as he paced in front of me.

"Doesn't it just seem weird though? To play our music together as a band again after all this time?" Patrick mumbled and messed with his freshly styled blonde hair, tugging on the ends.

I giggled as Joe stood up, "We're all waiting for you, man. If you aren't ready for this then we don't have to."

"No." 'Trick grinned, "I'm ready, I'm definitely ready..but are the fans ready? What if they don't want us anymore?"

"Then that would be something we'd have to deal with." Pete shrugged, plugging in his bass and strumming a few chords for good measure, "Besides, who could ever get over Fall Out Boy?"

I stood up and playfully punched my brother in the shoulder, "All cockiness aside, Pete is right." I agreed, my eyes met Patrick's and I immediately got nervous.

I swallowed the butterflies before they climbed up my throat and gave me away while Patrick spoke, "Are you sure, Alls? You're our biggest fan, so tell it to us straight, if you heard we were coming back, what would you think?" Patrick stammered quietly, stepping towards me.

What would I think? If I was a fan that didn't know the boys and wasn't related to Pete Wentz, and I heard that Fall Out Boy was coming back..what would I think?

I thought for a moment, then smiled, "I'd thank God that someone decided to come back and save rock and roll."

Andy whistled and Pete just nodded, "'Save rock and roll'. I'm going to use that eventually, thanks sis. Apparently writing runs in the family."

I playfully pushed Patrick away from me towards the microphone we had set up in Pete and I's old garage, just like back when they first started, "Play something for me. I am the biggest Fall Out Boy fan after all."

"What do you want to hear?" 'Trick's eyes met mine and I smiled again, this time my face turning ruby red.

"Something from Infinity. How about Take Over?" I said.

Joe shouted a loud "fuck yes!" in response as they all took their places. Andy at drums, Pete at bass, Joe at guitar, and Patrick at the mic with a guitar in hand as well.

Where they belonged.

Where they changed lives.

Where they changed my life.

Andy's drums and Joe's guitar kicked in and before I knew it we were thrown back in time to when this used to be a weekly thing. We'd all hang out and eat pizza while playing music.

Patrick's growl brought my eyes back to his as he looked directly at me, "Well baby, seasons change but people don't.
And I'll always be waiting in the back room.
I'm boring but overcompensate with
Headlines and flash, flash, flash photography."

I gigged as he winked at me and continued singing, laughing at all the boys antics as they played, relishing in the feeling of being together again, "But don't pretend you ever forgot about me.
Don't pretend you ever forgot about me.

Wouldn't you rather be a widow than a divorcee?
Style your wake for fashion magazines.
Widow or a divorcee?
Don't pretend, d-d-d-don't pretend."

Joe sang the backup vocals, as well as my brother and I felt my heart swell at the amount of love I had for the four boys in front of me, "They say your head can be a prison.
Then these are just conjugal visits.
People will dissect us till
This doesn't mean a thing anymore.

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