Chapter Nine: Staring At The Sink Of Blood And Crushed Veneer

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||Patrick's POV||

Pete had been sitting on the floor by Allie's bed for a few hours now, watching over her as she slept. We kept a close eye on her to make sure she didn't have any nightmares.

Andy and Joe sat paralyzed on the motel couch, sharing worried glances every now and then while I sat in the desk chair, staring at the five folded pieces of paper that lay there.

Nobody had been strong enough to even touch them.

We all knew what they were.

I'm sure we would read them later, but for right now we were all too scarred and traumatized to handle the dainty scrawl that made up all of the emotions Allie had experienced only several hours ago.

My hands still shook when I thought about her that night..I never wanted anyone to go through that. More or less Allie.

Even now, she was ready to die. She wanted to die.

I felt sick to my stomach. Whoever decided that a beautifully talented soul like hers should be taken away from this world should go fuck themselves. Allie belongs here with us. Allie belongs here with me.

Pete whimpered from his seated position as his eyes trailed over his little sisters calm form. He was in so much pain, we could all see it. Not only did the news shake him up, but we all witnessed her attempt. And after the way we felt when he had first attempted, I know exactly what he is feeling right now. Almost losing a sibling is the literal definition of hell..especially if you were the one that saved them from their attempt in the first place.

Pete had gotten up from his seat and rushed to the desk, picking up the paper with his name on it.

"Pete-" I started cautiously.

"No." He retorted, cutting me off, "This is my note. I need to read it."

He opened the paper but I got up from my chair and snatched it away before he could read anything, "No." I said with finality.

Just like that, it was like the lightbulb in his head turned off. He sank to the floor and cradled his knees to his chest, covering his face with his hands and quietly weeped into his palms. I felt my eyes flood with unshed emotion as I sat down next to him and crumpled the paper in my hand, "No..." I whispered.

As his crying continued, I feared that Allie would wake up due to the noises that emanated from Pete as he grieved. I looked over at Joe and Andy, they both knew what I was thinking.

Joe looked at me and motioned to my Allie-Cat, "I'll stay with her."

Andy and I both nodded and stood up. Gingerly, we pushed Pete outside so he wouldn't wake her. We stood by a trash dumpster and a dim orange streetlight, which casted an ominous glow to all of our faces.

I looked up to see that the sky was becoming lighter and lighter by the minute and I knew that it would be morning soon. The sky was such a beautiful thing. Even if you were at your worst, the sky could still be bright. When you die, the Earth doesn't stop spinning, the sun doesn't stop shining, the clouds don't go away forever; it's always constant.

The sky is a lot like life. Sure, it has it's rainy days, but that's normal. Eventually, the clouds will clear and the rain will dry. Then, the sun will come up and we will all try again. Because that's what life is; trying your hardest, day after day.

Pete sat on the ground by the dumpster and put his head in his hands, "I should've been there for her, I should've fucking protected her!"

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