Chapter Seven: Make It To The Sunrise

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||Allie's POV||
*trigger warning*

I hadn't stopped pacing, my heart was throbbing in my chest as I thought of what to do next. I had already decided to go through with it. Tonight was my last night on Earth, I just didn't know what to do after deciding that.

You need a note, my thoughts pushed their way through the mess of madness swirling around my brain.

All of the limbs I possessed seemed to be moving without my command. My legs moved to the small desk in the corner, my hands opened the drawer and pulled out the motel stationary, my fingers grasped the blue ballpoint pen that barely worked but still managed to leave ink spots on the ivory paper. I couldn't think about anything but who I should write to.

So I just wrote to everyone in a scrawl that I'm sure would've been hard to read due to my blurred haze of mind.


||Pete's POV||

"I CAN TRACK HER PHONE!" I screamed as Andy drove like hell was chasing after us.

"SO DO IT WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, MAN!?" Joe screamed equally as loud, holding onto the dashboard of the van for dear life.

I turned on the tracker app I installed onto both of our phones but soon enough, fell out of my seat as Andy did a u-turn on one of the busiest highways in Illinois, "I SWEAR TO GOD ANDREW IF YOU KILL US I AM COMING BACK FROM THE DEAD TO HAUNT YOUR ASS!"

Patrick picked up my iPhone from the floor of the van and looked at it, "It's a motel, Andy! Take a left up here!"

Andy screamed, "HOLD ON!", before yanking the steering wheel sharply to the left.

I prayed to whatever God(s) existed that I wouldn't die as I called Allie's number again, only to be met with her voicemail as soon as I dialed: Hey, it's Allie. Sorry I couldn't answer my phone, leave a message and I'll get back to you soon as I can!

Her phone was off. Bad news.

"Mother fucker!" I cursed as Andy sped up.

"Jesus Christ, Allie please pick up your phone. Please I need you. Please." My voice cracked as I spoke into the receiver for what felt like the fiftieth time that night.

Patrick's leg bounced up and down as he sat next to me in the van. We were all so worried. The car couldn't move down the expressway fast enough.

"Allie, come on. Answer your phone. You know you don't want to do this. Please answer our calls, I can't take this silence. We were so happy in the park. We need you Allie-Cat. Please come back. Don't leave us. What about Pete? What..." Patrick took a breath as a new track of tears ran down his face,"...what about me?" Patrick spoke softly into his phone, his hand running through his hair and adjusting his hat again, "I can't live without you. Please Allie."

If I wasn't so worried I know I would've smiled. Patrick is good for her, despite everything that is happening right now.

I just hope we get to her in time.


||Allie's POV||

Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for helping my brother find his true passion. Thank you for letting me sit in the comfy chair even when you wanted to. Thank you for letting me control the TV remote. Thank you for being a part of my family. I'll miss you.
You always tell the best jokes. Even if it's a bad time. Your Joe-Fro better stick around even after I'm gone.
Stay kind Joe. I mean it. I don't need you going soft after I leave you. I need you to be you, regardless if I'm there.
I love you Joseph.

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