Chapter Eighteen: We Have Romantic Fantasies About What Dying Really Is

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||Allie's POV||

The days were all blending together once again as the guys went back to work releasing "American Beauty/American Psycho". The official release date was in only two days and it was like I never saw the boys at all.

I knew that it would be that way, however. I was okay on my own until it came to being isolated.

Being alone and being lonely are two different things. It is especially terrible when you're stuck with both.

I texted Patrick later that afternoon as I'd finished another episode of The X-Files, he never answered until he was on a lunch break, or until he was on his way home. But I liked keeping him updated on my health while he's gone so he didn't worry as much.

Hey 'Tricky, just finished ANOTHER episode of x-files, u might have 2 come & pry me from the tv sooner or later. Hope evrythin is ok, can't wait 2 get my own signed copy of AB/AP lol. Missin u, love u even more if possible. xx

I sighed and placed my phone on the couch cushion next to me, then got up to get a snack. Browsing the kitchen for what felt like an eternity, I grabbed a small bag of chips and proceeded back to my sofa crease.

My phone vibrated at my side, and I immediately picked it up, hoping it was Patrick responding with some cheesy one liner, but it was an unknown number.

Hi Allison.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Déjà vu was hitting me, and it was hitting me hard. My head started throbbing rapidly and I gasped, dropping the phone and chips in my lap as I clutched my temples.

I couldn't recollect anything. Nothing was coming back, but all I knew was that this number held the key to remembering.


I'd waited up that night for the guys to get home, having turned my phone off so that suspicious number would leave me alone. I also unplugged the house phone and logged off my computer.

The scariest part was, I didn't know why I did that. I just had this feeling that I should.

Pete was the first to walk through the door, the others trailing behind, and when they spotted me on the couch, all of their features seemed to relax.

"Allie what the hell, why haven't you been answering?" Pete nearly groaned.

I stopped him by putting my hand out as I stood up, "I've been having this sort of bad feeling all day and I don't know why."

Patrick rushed to my side and put a cautious hand on my forehead as if it would detect any unnatural inner bleeding, "Do you mean your head? Is it hurting at all?"

I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless, "It's been an intuition sort of thing. Like I can feel something is wrong but I don't know what it is."

Pete's eyebrows narrowed as he looked at me, "What do you mean?"

"I got a text earlier from a number I don't remember, and I just felt my head start to hurt. It was out of nowhere. So I decided to turn all the phones off and log off my laptop until you guys got here." I said, sucking in my bottom lip and chewing on it timidly.

Joe nodded his head, "I've gotta give you credit, Allie, you were smart about this."

Andy nodded too, "Wouldn't want to trigger anything dangerous."

I handed Pete my phone in fear of the unknown lurking inside, he grasped it tightly as if he wanted to look right then but he just tucked it away in his pocket and smiled, "I'll check it later, okay?"

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