Chapter Fourteen: Detox Just To Retox

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||Allie's POV||

Two steps forward, one step back.

That was the saying, right?

Well in my case it was: two steps forward, twelve steps back.

I didn't realize that in the time it took me to slowly build myself back up, the faster it shook when I fell apart again.

It happened suddenly and nobody was prepared for it. Not even me.

I was alone. All of the guys were at the studio working on publicity for Save Rock and Roll. The album was going to be released in about a week or so and soon after that we'd be touring.

I was just cleaning up around the apartment from the night before because Joe, in his infinite wisdom, decided to throw a "beer bash" with the guys to celebrate the album. Even though the real celebration would be at the release party, where I'm sure they would all get even more smashed.

But still, that didn't stop a very drunk Patrick from kissing my neck and whispering into my ear how much he loved me with slurred and drawled sentences. I couldn't take him seriously, even when he tried being sexy about it. It's something about a 5'4" dwarf man trying really hard to be sexy that makes you laugh when he tries to seduce you. Of course, we made out but I didn't want to take it too far. I know he would regret that one when the morning came.

The house was trashed and when all the guys left I realized the only one that was smart enough to clean it would be me. So, I turned on Patrick's record player and spun Bowie's greatest hits while I tidied up.

It was around noon when I got the call.

I should've known something was wrong. The number was unknown as if my phone didn't even know how to process the details of the call.

Unknowingly, I picked up the phone on the first ring, thinking it must've just been Patrick or Pete calling to check in on one of the producer's phones.

"Hello?" I asked, a little out of breath from having been jumping around to "Jean Genie".

The line was silent and then all of a sudden a voice spoke, "Allison."

That voice.

The one voice belonged to the person that made my heart ache and my blood burn.


My legs felt like jello beneath me and I couldn't sense anything else around me. My head clouded and I felt tears well in my eyes.

"W-Who is this?" My voice stammered and I internally punched myself for sounding so vulnerable.

"I think you already know," His voice had said so swiftly, "You have no idea what kind of hell I've gone through trying to find you, Allison."

I felt the ice shoot through my veins as he said my name, "It's Allie, you pig."

"Ha. Right. As if changing your name will change the past, Allison. I thought you were smarter than that."

"Don't call me that. That's not my name."

"Well, well. Look who's got a mouth on them." Daren ticked unappreciatively, "I'll just have to do something about that, now won't I? Maybe I'll just find that little friend of yours. What's his name...Patrick? Or, how about Pete? I'm sure that will teach you a lesson. Won't it, Allison?"

"D-Don't hurt them, p-please, Daren-"

"Ah-ha. There's the reaction I was looking for. Fear. It's such a nice concept."

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