Third Letter & New Start

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Chapter 3

Third letter

Ever since the second letter, Harry was debating whether he should give some kind of response to the girl or not. But the hectic schedules the boys have to go through didn't give him much time to ponder on the thought. For the rest of the week, he waited for her next letter, but he was left with disappointment. Meera didn't write another letter nor did she tweet anything. Meanwhile, Harry felt that his relationship with Taylor Swift was more like friends with benefits type. He realized that he never truly felt anything for her in that way. This conclusion resulted into him being quieter than usual at the professional times he spent with the team and boys. The only time he was himself was the time he spent only with his close friends - again, the rest of the one direction of course - like a normal boy enjoying the movie marathon or a silly game of truth and dares, forgetting all about the love he wanted in his life but didn't have.

As the days passed the frequency of him checking for Meera's tweet increased. And After about a week, when he was on the edge of responding her, he was given with the much awaited letter.

Dear Harry,

I am not going to start with the greetings of how are you's and all that kind of stuff. I’m going to get straight at the point. Remember I told you my mom was calling me downstairs for some "news" to share with me? Well, it was something I never EVER expected to hear. In fact, for me expecting the thought should have popped up in my head before so I guess that was a wrong choice of words but whatever.

If someone had told me two weeks ago that I'll be packing to go to London today I would have just laughed so hard that I'd have to lie down to regain my normal blood pressure. But I guess, its the truth now.

I'm going to London.

You know, I expected them to try and convince me to study performing arts here or at least ask me where I was going to stay and tell me to be careful and all the parental worry stuff but they were like, "Okay Honey, tell me when you want to fly there, I'll book the plane tickets tomorrow."

But you know what? I don't care anymore. I realized something, you come in this world alone and leave alone. So why try to tie some knots which are going to break in the end?

Anyway, I’m staying with my brother there, the one who's a CEO in some company? He's Dave. Actually, his original name is Dev but the people in london made it sound like dave and he liked that. We are not close like a brother and sister but we are close enough to share some jokes and have a laugh like friends do. Well, he's the only one I would consider as my friend now. He also got me a job there. Its not conformed yet. They will take the decision after meeting me. I don't know much about this job right now, but Dave said that it would benefit my score, whatever the heck he means by that. And he also told me that on the basis on how I do, the Chrome University (A/N: I don't know any university there so I am just gonna make up one) will reward me with good grades. Huh.


Right now, I am so tired of packing, so I decided to write you. But there is one thing I am really excited about. That I would have good chances of at least seeing you all. You don't have any idea how much you have changed my life, Harry. I know, whatever I hear in the news and the image I have in my mind of yours is not that much accurate but just one smile of yours tells me that you love your fans. And thats enough for me to know that you are a good person. You don't probably know how much a follow from you would mean to your fans. Some may not be taking you seriously and just fangirl over your popularity, face, body and all the outer stuff but some of them do admire you for you. You just have to consider their tweets enough to recognize the feelings behind them.

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