Bad Vibe.

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I'm so sorry for the long wait. I had this written half way on wattpad but something happened between the web wattpad and the wattpad app in my phone causing it to get deleted and I had so much work load as my exams are so near and its gonna be my first exam of my college and everything is new! I had taken science line formy 11th and 12th grade but then found out i like literature and economics hella more so i switched lines and I had to catch up on what I missed in 11th and 12th Lit. 

This is one long chapter! dedicated to reagan_011. :)

Chapter 23

Bad Vibe.

"What are you hiding from her." Harry's voice boomed across the empty room. It wasn't a question, no; it was a statement that Ram had to explain. Gray walls with the paint slightly coming off and mere presence of light made both of them look dangerous. 

"What are you talking about?" The moment Ram had laid his eyes on the cold shouldering, green-eyed young man he knew there were going to be some explanations he was to participate in. 

"I've heard her cries while being unconscious. I have been told about the woman's scream she has heard before passing out. I have heard Dave speak of her memory loss. And I want to know what you all are hiding from her." Ram's face turned blank as he realized what has happened. Inside, he was panicking, knowing that if this bloke told anyone about what was actually going on, the ruckus in the neighborhood, everything will change and his niece would never trust not only him but anyone again. But he had to keep on his poker face. He couldn't risk messing up now. It has been years for the secret come out and it would just ruin everything if it got out now. 

This is why he didn't want to be left alone with this curly lad. He knew it was time for something big and now his fear had come true. Everything is going to be exposed what they have perfectly hid all these years. One mistake of his brother led to this and he couldn't blame Raj. He loved his two younger brothers dearly and understood them like their best friend. He knew there was nothing he could have done to stop Raj from doing what he had done, he had seen how Raj had been after The Fire; seen how dead he had looked, how devastated he felt and how badly he wanted to be just... Numb. 

But Ram knew now that even if he tried to hide this more, it would eventually come out. So Ram told Harry. Everything.

Seeing her smile, seeing her laugh, seeing her tucking the strand of her curly hair behind her ear while chewing on her bottom lip was like a heaven for Harry. He couldn't understand how cruel the world was. How it had taken everything away from her she didn't even know!

"Gem! Come on in! And you're late, miss. Shall I know where you were young lady?" Harry pretended to be the strict brother of 1700's and stood tall in front of his sister Gemma who had just entered the party hall. 

"My, nice to see you too, baby brother! But I have more important work to do than to answer you." She brushed past him and into the hall, her eyes scanning all the Malik family members and friends hanging decorative objects here and there. 

Harry rolled his eyes at his big sister but didn't answer her back, instead he followed her as she went towards the backyard. 

"Where are you going? You are not needed in the backyard, mum called you in the kitchen." Harry asked Gemma but continued following her. Their mother had arrived yesterday after Harry had pulled Ram aside and confronted him. It has been three days he and Meera had come here for the preparations and the room was almost finished. Tomorrow was the party. All the boys' mums had the responsibility of the food while the youngsters did all the other work.

"Oh come on! I wanna meet your new girlfriend Harry. And she must be in the backyard, I think." 

"Gem, really, where did you even get the power of sensing how a person would be before even meeting them?" Harry ruffled his curls as they stepped out in the backyard, playfulness in his voice.

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