The Tears

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Meera's POV

I was busy enjoying the tasty aroma of the food which was within my reach. God i loved the food here. Maybe because it is something I have never had before but I like it nonetheless. The food was literally urging me to eat it. It was calling out to me saying 'Pssst Meera. I am so delicious. Come and eat me! I know you are hungry.' 

Harry returned with some white polished plates in his hands. As soon as I looked up I wished I hadn't. His face was something that always make you want to sigh with longing. He was thinking very hard though. I was leaning against the pillows, not moving. He came and sat on my bed, putting the plates down with a 'tack' sound. His fingers started to play with his bottom lip. My eyes followed his actions and zeroed on his lips. Those lips... they were just inches away from me this morning. I didn't notice that I had closed my eyes while daydreaming about him until I felt fingers tracing patterns on my cheeks. 

I didn't move nor did I dare to let him notice the hitch in my breathing. I was afraid I would stop feeling his hands if I did. I didn't deny the fact that I enjoyed his touch. Who wouldn’t? His big and a bit rough hands make you feel soft, delicate and the way he caressed your skin makes you feel so special and pretty. I wanted to feel that. I needed  to feel that. 

His hands travelled from my eyebrows to my cheekbones, tracing the shape of my lips they trailed down my neck. I couldn't control the rise and fall of my chest due to heavy breathing anymore. I opened my eyes to find him looking directly at me. He held my gaze so strongly I could feel something of me reach out and connect with him as his fingertips traced my collarbones. He leaned in, moving his hand towards the strap of my top. His breath fanned over my ear as he traced the skin along the strap.

"The food is getting cold. Let’s eat." He whispered as his curls tickled the side of my neck and then he did something I never even dreamed of him doing.

He bit my earlobe.

Okay. Maybe I have dreamed of him doing this to me. 

I gasp audibly and he pulled away with a victory smile on his face, those adorable dimples visible. I averted my eyes and didn't look at him while we ate the delicious Tacos in silence. I could feel his gaze on me sometimes and I admit I did look at him several times only to find him thinking hard again, while his eyes glared at the floor. 

Something was definitely bothering him, something which happened just few moments ago. He looked as if he was trying to solve a puzzle if the small frown was of any indication. My eyes automatically darted to the drop of sauce trailing down the side of his mouth and he didn't even notice. Without thinking I reached out and pushed the liquid off his skin, gathering it on my own finger. I was rubbing the saucy skin with my thumb when the reality kicked in.

I yanked my hand away from his chin as if someone had electrified me. I could feel my cheeks getting hot, but I wasn’t sure if I was visibly blushing or not. I hoped my tan skin would not let it show. I shifted my eyes to the flat LED screen which were showing motion pictures with no sound.



I looked around to find the remote control of the Television and I saw it on the bedside table for which, I will have to reach out and sort of drape my body across Mr. Styles here who was eating like there is no tomorrow; I was so not going to do that now, was I? No. So, as the intelligent person that I am, I decided to just eat and pout and eat again.

I think whatever was going on in my life wasn’t quite registering in my mind because I wasn’t reacting the way I was supposed to. I just shoved the delicious food in my mouth without actually tasting it. Whatever. Harry wasn’t speaking to me, he was busy thinking hard about something. I decided to let him. He’s a popstar anyway. They must have a lot of things on their minds.

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