First Week in London

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I was on freaking cloud nine!!!!! Thank you so much for voting and commenting! Here are the next two chapters, enjoy!

Chapter 5

First Week in London

For the past week, Dave and Meera just roamed around the London City. Dave, for the whole time he spent with her, was on cloud 9. He always craved for a sister with whom he could share his girlfriend problems, blackmail her about her having a boyfriend which their parents would've no clue.he just wanted to protect his sister from the bad boys in her school, beat up the boys who glanced at her in a non-friendly way.

In all, he just missed being a big brother. He just wanted to feel the feeling of being needed by his sister.

All the while they hung out with each other, they became very closer. Dave felt really bad that he wasn't there to help her with her homework, that he wasn't there to hold her when she cried in night because of nightmares, that he wasn't there when she was left alone in their house when parents went away to who-knows-where.

He felt like a Loser for missing out the important times in her life.

But he was angry nonetheless. Angry at their parents for being so ignorant of their own daughter. Angry that they didn't even bother to check up on her, whether she had reached London safely or not. He felt angry that they turned out to be exactly what his Uncle said they would.


They betrayed his aunt. They broke their promise to her.

Dave realised at a very young age that his parents didn't care that he saved a dog, that he help an old lady while crossing the road. They only cared about their grades and the pride of raising such talented sons they carried around like trophies. But Dave knew better than the lies. He knew that all they wanted was the reputation of their family to be maintained.

Oh how blind he was to see that they were going to do the same with Meera. Worse, actually. He regretted how he trusted his parents with her, how he left her there, thinking maybe he got out of the house, his parents would focus more on her.

He felt like stabbing himself with something blunt everytime his conversation with her that night came to his mind. Blunt because he wanted to feel the pain she had gone through. And they hurt more than edgy things. At least, he thought so.

It was a night like the rest of the week's. every day of that week, they went to new restaurant every night so she could taste all the type of food. He wanted to spoil his babygirl. But that saturday night, he decided to introduce Meera to alcohol. She was legal, obviously. He told her he wanted her to be aware of alocohol taste in case someone in future would give some to her and she wouldn't know what it was. He really didn't want that. But that night, things got out of hands and she got fully wasted. He had just left to go to the washroom but when he returned, he found Meera downing the vodka shots like a cat licks her milk. That night, she spilled everything that had been bottled up inside her. Everything. Even about the Letters. About their parents ingnorance toward her. How it hurts her every time they come to her mind.

That night he couldn't sleep. He held Meera while she cried and when she fell asleep he carried her to her bedroom and tucked her in. He tossed and turned in his bed but sleep just didn't favor him. All the nighht, he could stop the angry tears his eyes leaked. The memories came like bullets in his mind every time he tried to sleep. The flashback of his parents carrying a sleepy Meera to his house. the flashback of her face as she laughed at something on the TV, something she did so rarely. Of course, it all happened when she was four. She forgot all the memories as she grew up.

Just like everyone wanted her to.

Just like she needed to.

When she woke up with the hang over the nexy day, he told her that she told him everything last night. She was so embarrassed that she just got up and locked herself in her bathroom. After a lot of convincing, she came out. They were uncomfortable for the whole weekend.

But, as the sun rose on monday morning Dave decided that there was no way in hell or heaven will he allow anything to hurt Meera now.

He got up and went to wake Meera up as it was the first day of her job till her college starts. He had given her a brief information about what her job would be and how he got it. He felt proud that he made his sister so happy as he saw her grinning like a maniac. Her job was not only of being a dancer but also being a part one One Direction Crew.

However, it wasn't what Meera felt after the realisation hit her. That meant that she would, eventually face Harry at one point. She considered all the possiblities of him knowing that its her who send the letters but as she scanned for any chances, she was partly happy that there were very very few, almost none. Partly because she didn't want to face him as the girl who sent him freaky letters but a part of her also felt sad that she have to be extra careful in case he really read the letters. She wanted to regret her decision of sending him those letters but she couldn't bring herself to do so. A part of her still hoped for something. but what that something was, she didn't know. She just felt some kind of hope. She dismissed her intense feeling by telling herself that it was the hope of being liked by the workers at her new job.

She wanted to impress everyone on her first day there. Dave and she had shopped for all the essential things she would need. Things like proper pair of shoes, proper dancing clothes, etc. She was really good at choosing herself some good pairs of shoes but when it came to the clothes, Dave simply gave her a few selected ones and told her to try them on. She was beyond uncomfortable in them. Because one, they were too revealing and two, they were too revealing. Yeah.

She showed him her choice, hoping that he would like the more skin-covering clothes she suggested but he simply said no. It was really weird that her own brother, who was so protective over her, wanted her to wear clothes like those, specially around male figures. When she had expressed her confusion as a joke he had answered in a serious tone, "Meera, you are in London. You can live the way you want here. No one is here to judge you, our parents aren't here to control you anymore. I want you to really live, you know? I don't want to see you bending under pressure here. Peer pressure here is much more than that in India. Trust me on this, Babydoll, its for your best."

Meera didn't question her brother's decision now that she got the point of it. Dave's serious face popped in her mind as she recalled that moment and packed her training bag. She was neverous for her first day, but she had Dave by her side. She trusted him with his life now.


So, this chapter does not contain any harry :( Sorry! But please vote, comment and fan? Please?

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