Uncle Ram

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Love you all my lovely readers and thank you for keeping up with my late updates. I have exams coming up and college is not so likable for me. I'm so sorry for the wait but I have tried to make it up to you with some Marry/Heera moment and a BIG glimpse in Meera's past! I hope you like it!

Chapter 22

Uncle Ram

Gina Fayhler was invited and so was Nick Williams. Nick was happy for once, as in his life everything was going as how he wanted it to go. The dance practice was on track which was rare but thanks to Meera, everything was now under control. Everyone had taken a liking towards the Indian girl if not true about some of the dancers. He always saw her struggles at times when she had to live up to his expectations as well as fulfill her fellow dance mates’ wishes about the steps at the same time.

As for Gina, she was as happy as she could be in her dream world where she lived a happy yet a bipolar life. One moment she would be all joyous but the next alone moment, she’d be missing Harry like he was a part of her heart gone missing.

Gina had met Zayn lots of times and they had bonded over her curiosity for tattoos and Zayn having them experienced. He always was excited to tell someone about how being inked doesn’t change who you really are and the fact that Gina agreed on his thoughts made it easy for them to become good friends in short time.

After a day or two, Meera and Harry were in the backyard of Zayn’s house in Bradford, on request of her boyfriend.  The reason behind harry’s decision of lying to Zayn and telling him that he and Meera are going for some alone time to Cheshire, leaving Zayn feel more broken hearted was that he could decorate the backyard with Meera. She knew it was hurting Zayn but she couldn’t do anything in front of those dimples that were so prominent on her boyfriend’s face as he had told her about how they are going to spend some quality time together and work at the same time. She had come to a conclusion that it was Harry for her. And always will be.

Sure, she had felt a pang in her heart when she had seen Zayn’s eyes trying to hide the pain but failing miserably while waving her goodbye but she had also noticed how Liam and Zayn had their hands in each other’s and how Liam had given a squeeze to the tanned boy’s hand. In that moment, she knew that Zayn wasn’t alone. She knew that Zayn had told the Daddy Directioner about his own feelings but it didn’t bother her. As much as the matter involved her, it involved Zayn too and she respected his decision.

Little did she know that Liam knew more than she thought and more than she knew herself. When Zayn couldn’t control his tears, he had told Liam everything including what had happened to Naina Sharma and her mother, Neha when Meera was just three years old.

But the secrets are to be discovered.

“Which flowers are to be put up there, Harry?” Meera shouted from the backyard and in respond, found Harry striding in the background with two boxes full or Lavender colored fake flowers and some lighting wire decorations hanging off his shoulders.

“Jesus M, help me with these!” He panted and with a chuckle, Meera climbed off the ladder and hurried over to him, taking the box on the top away. That was when she noticed the fedora hat on his head which was covered in the yellow fake flowers and burst out laughing. She couldn’t see his narrowed eyes due to his Ray Bans but she knew he was doing so as her gaze fell to his lips that were pressed against each other in a thin line. And she couldn’t move her gaze away.

“I thought the theme of flowers was limited to just the decorations and not the costume.” She whispered and he noticed her eyes fixed on his lips. They were so bright and perfectly shaped even when they were pursed. Teasingly, he licked his bottom lip before biting on it. He saw her close her eyes and take deep breaths. He smirked slightly, knowing what effect he had on her and confident that he was not alone who was so whipped in their love.

Before she could open her eyes, he captured her lips in his own, leaving the girl so weak in her knees that the boxes fell down, her legs gave out and hands wrapped behind his neck like she needed it. Harry’s hands were as if made for her, to catch her when she falls and that’s what they did. They caught her by her waist and he pulled her so close that even water couldn’t pass through between.

Their bliss was, however, short-lived as they heard the main door of Zayn’s house slam open and some deep throat rumbling inside the house along with Tricia’s voice. Meera pulled away, ignoring Harry’s lips searching for hers blindly until she gently pushed him away chuckling.

“Think we should see what’s going on inside?”

“Okay.” Harry sighed and they entered the kitchen, where they saw a black-haired man in his forties talking to Tricia with tears in his desperate eyes that searched for something around the house, or for someone, until they landed on Meera. The man’s pleads hitched abruptly as he froze as he gazed in her eyes.  Meera’s face broke into a giant grin.

“Uncle Ram!”

“M-Meera.” Ram stuttered, trying to hold back his tears as his niece ran towards him, engulfing him in a bear hug.

“Oh Uncle Ram, I was going to visit you this evening!”

“I was too impatient to meet my niece.” He chuckled and his eyes went to Harry. Uncle Ram was taken aback when his eyes met rather blank green ones that held so many questions unanswered.

Harry was confused. Should he be fuming in anger that the man who called himself her uncle is keeping her in dark about her own secret or whether he must keep calm and let the things unfold themselves? Harry didn’t know what it was that all her relatives were hiding from her, but he still haven’t forgotten about the scream she often heard or the words she mumbled when she would be overwhelm and go into unconsciousness. Lately she hasn’t been fainting much. Maybe because she had finally learnt to control herself or something but Harry was clear about one thing now.

She mustn’t be kept in dark anymore.

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