Moving On

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Chapter 21

Moving On

Zayn locked the door as silently as he could, not wanting to be the reason for a slightest twitch of his sleeping beauty inside that slept on the midnight blue colored sheets on his own bed. He smiled bitterly to himself as he made his way to his car. He felt as if this sequence of bad luck started with him and somehow, he was responsible for it. Truth be told, there wasn't many things that brought sadness aside from Liam's current condition and his own misery but he felt like it. 

When he opened the door to Liam's flat with the spare key he had, he called out to him.


No reply.

He opened the door that lead to Liam's bedroom and his heart stopped beating. Nothing could have prepared him for what was in front of his eyes. A shattered Liam, broken to pieces that Zayn feared won't fit together again. Knees pulled to his chest, leaning against the headboard, eyes staring ahead, unfocused with silent tears flowing down is eyes, so silently that no muscles twitched on his face nor did his eyelashes blink. He seemed out of his body, in some kind of a shock. 

Zayn made his way to him and tried shaking him but that didn't seem to have any effect on the still Liam. His eyes burned with tears that couldn't stop themselves from escaping after seeing his best mate, in such state of betrayal. He was about to sit on the bed but something came under his feet, causing him to take a look and the picture that was displayed on the now lit phone that was under his foot.

Zayn pulled him to his chest and Liam's legs straightened on the bed in front of him. Zayn rocked them back and forth and Liam started to let out his sobs he held in for so much time. None of them cared how uncomfortably Zayn was sitting beside Liam, none of them noticed the loud cries that echoed through the room.

Murmuring soothing words like 'Shh, it will be okay, Li' and 'let it out' Zayn held his best mate. His own eyes swelling with all the constant crinkling and mucus formation but he didn't care. 

The next day, Meera woke to find Zayn wasn't home. His phone was unreachable. She then, called Harry and explained how she couldn't find him. Harry told her that Niall was with him and Louis was with Eleanor at her flat but he didn't know about Liam. 

She left to Liam's flat. She's not been there a lot of times, but she knew the road. Danielle had invited her a few times for movie nights. 

No one answered the door after the first bell so she tried the knob. Finding it unlocked she prayed that she wouldn't walk on something she didn't want to see but then thought of Zayn being here and dismissed her thoughts. 


No response.


No response.

She knocked on the bedroom but that was too, open. She thought for a moment ad then let herself in. Liam had his head almost in Zayn's lap, heavy bogs under his swollen eyes, face miserable. She followed the hand that looked like was stroking his hair and found Zayn leaning against the headboard, with similar face.

She understood something has happened and she feared for the worst. But what worst was, she didn't know. She wanted so badly to wake them and ask but she knew they needed sleep. She found that suppressing her worry was very very hard for her but she did it anyway. Biting her lip, she silently closed the door and went downstairs, deciding on making some breakfast for the boys. 

Zayn felt the weight on his lap lifting up and opened his eyes. Liam was making his way towards bathroom and he decided to just give him some time alone. 

"Liam, I'll be in the kitchen. Come down soon?" Zayn didn't know why he made it sound like a question when he didn't mean it to be one. Dismissing the thought, he went into the bathroom in the guestroom and did his morning business. He was still half-sleepy when he walked into the kitchen and found Meera cooking something. Without thinking he wrapped his arms around her face and buried his face in her shoulder. Meera felt something wet on her neck and immediately put down the stirrer and turned around, making his arms fall down to his side. 

"Oh my god, Zayn what happened?!" Even in such situation, Zayn's heart fluttered a bit, seeing so much concern and worry on her face for him.  But he didn't know if Liam wanted to tell his other mates about what has happened.

"I don't know if he's... comfortable with others knowing about it so... I think it would be better for him to tell it on his own, babe." The last word slipped his lips but she didn't seem to care about it, and Zayn was grateful for that.

In next few weeks, it became really difficult for Zayn to face Meera and Harry without feeling guilty. Liam got better and told the lads about it after two days. He didn't even other to talk to Danielle, he broke up through a text message. He knew it was low of him, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to her without breaking down. The ring was returned to the shop and he had started being himself again.

Zayn's Birthday was coming soon and Meera suggested throwing a surprise birthday party. But according to Louis, the idea was really 'old fashioned'. But since no one could come up with something else, they decided to throw a surprise party but in Bradford.

No one knew that this party held a shock for all of them, especially Meera.


I got 5 votes on last chapter! :D didn't expect that much as the comments and votes decreased for past few chapters :(

If I made any mistake up there (other than spellings) please tell me!

I'm resuming my other story "The Mediator" (Zayn Malik) !!!!

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