Introductions and Phone Call

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Chapter 13

Introductions and Phone Call

Harry's POV

I woke up, feeling like I couldn't breathe. I swatted away whatever it was on my face blocking my nose and mouth and looked at it to realize it was Zayn's hand. I groaned. He has this habit of putting his hand on someone's -whoever is beside him- cheek in his sleep. It’s a bit annoying sometimes.

I took a moment to look at him. No wonder he's a ladies' man. If I clearly think, I admit he is really good-looking and despite his sleeping habits and weird tattoos, he is a really good person. He understands everyone and knows how to handle emotional situations. Sure, Liam does too but he too needs someone to take care of him sometimes.

Zayn is a guy who is immature most of the times but when we really need him, the real Zayn comes out. He is known as the bad boy in our group and trust me, he is, but up to a certain level. He never crosses the line. He smokes, he drinks and might swear like a sailor sometimes but deep down he has the heart of gold. 

But he never and I repeat NEVER lets me use his products. 

I sigh and look at my bedside clock.

8:37 AM

 Last night's concert was our last one of this small England Tour. And now we had a long break. Of about 3 months.  Management was surprisingly very considerate of us as we did two world tours with a very little break in between. But in these 3 months, we had to work on our next album. They gave a few days to relax before we have to work though.

I wondered what Meera was doing right now.

Beep. Beep.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen to see Taylor's name flashing. on it. I had changed my ringtone and put it on some professional beeping noise. I don't really know why but I guess I just felt like being a bit more mature now. I picked up her call and sat up on the end of the bed, gazing at the beautiful view of London through the window.

"Hey." I said, with a sigh. I knew something was coming.

"Hey, Harry." Nervousness laced her words.

"What’s up?"

"Look, I... I need to meet you. Today." She hesitated. "If you're free that is...?"

"Yeah. I need to talk to you too." 

"Okay. How about we meet at Starbucks in 30?"

"Sounds good." 

"Great." We hung up without any farewell greeting. 

I got up and cleaned up. When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Zayn sat up on the bed, rubbing his eyes and still half asleep.

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