The Bang Bang Effect by candybanapple

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The Bang Bang Effect by candybanapple

When you're Bianca Lee, trouble happens to become your shadow. For any normal person, taking a turn into a dark alleyway would be a quick shortcut but not for a girl like Bee. You could only count on her to run into a gangs formation not having the slightest idea of the problems she would attract to herself. However, problems aren't the only things she attracts. Take a certain badass gang personnel and add that to the catastrophe we call Bianca and the result will be the Bang Bang Effect.
(VOTE!! uh huh)


Me: Can we swap lives?

Bianca: Why?

Me: You ask my WHY? You get lost in a dark alleyway, survive, & meet a kickass gang leader (that's young, male & available). Damn. You need brain surgery.

Bianca: ...

Me: Forget it. I'll just give you the number to that mental institute.

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