Total Eclipse of The Heart by MercyRose

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Total Eclipse of The Heart by MercyRose

Raven was ecstatic.  Life could not get any better than it already was when she and her friends took off for the beach after graduation.  They planned to spend the summer at the beach before returning home to attend college in the fall.  That was the plan.....until the unthinkable happens and it leaves Raven forever broken.

Several months later her friends cousin, Will Martin, sets his eyes on her for the very first time.  Without a doubt in his mind, he knows that she is his mate and will do anything to claim her rightfully so.  Can Will somehow break through to Raven, put back together her shattered heart and then teach her to love again?


Can't bother putting all the others in the series on this page, so you can do the tiring work.

OK. So this is my fav in the whole series. No jokes, it was an extremely hard decision to make.





I'm gonna be really sappy OK? This is a great book that I'll probably kill you if you don't read.

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