The Third Wheel by Shadypalmtree

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The Third Wheel by Shadypalmtree

Fed up with his girlfriend's needy best friend intervening on their relationship, Luke calls in the help of his womanizing friend to charm her. Too bad nothing works on Miranda Miller.


Greetings Earthing-

Commander Awesomeness (Aria) here. Yes, don't be so surprised, my name is Aria. Aria means pure, chaste in Greek, and melodious in Italian. It seems every single girl name means pure (people are so desperate) and I'm no way melodious. The irony of the world...

Before I speculate more into 'the irony of the world', I must say that this book (The Third Wheel) is awesome. And yes, awesome is the only adjective I use ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. EVER.


This is a wondrous story. Happy?

I have a certain fondness for the dialogue in this story.

This story is emotional, as in NO-WHY-AM-I-CRYING? emotional.


Yes. Ahem.

Summary: Commander Awesomeness/Aria strongly puts forward that this is a αωɛƨσмɛ story and you should therefore read it.

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