Princess Charming by LovelyOwls

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Princess Charming by LovelyOwls

Isabelle Quinn. A girl who treasures her education and aims high, unlike all those other girls in her school that do everything to get a boyfriend. But she knew that fairy tales didn't exists, there was no Prince on a white horse, no castle and no happily ever after. Well that's what she thought...

No, Isabelle was different, and that's exactly the reason why Nathan Blake was interested in her. Nathan Blake, son of Franklin and Valerie Blake. A rich, playboy who didn't have a care in the world, but went along with his father decisions anyway.

But his father was seriously ill, and he knew he'd have take over the business. And that's when he meets Isabelle, only one visit to her school (that the Blake's fund) and he was instantly attracted to this clumsy but beautiful girl that could help reveal that he has a heart.

However, Isabelle is stubborn, and whenever Nathan confronts her about how he feels, she chooses to ignore it. But where will this take Nathan and his Princess Charming, especially when they might have to spend of their life together?


I bet you're begging: "Please let them marry and have 100 children then this happily ever after!"

Puh-lease. (LOL I just wanted to say that)

READ IT! Awesome book by an awesome author that has an awesome taste in words. (LOL See what I did there?)

There is this sequel called Enchanted, but hey, read the first book won't ya?

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