Alphas and Angels by TellTaleHeart

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Alphas and Angels by TellTaleHeart

"I swear, if a guy tries to hit on me using the line "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I'm going to lose it. Because yes, it freaking hurt like hell."

My name is Emmy Lou, Emmy if you will. Actually, you have to call me Emmy. It isn't an option. Anyways, something you should know about me is that I'm a nephilim. Meaning, I'm the product of an inappropriate angel and human relationship. Well, what used to be a human, my mother was dead when she met dad. That's another story. We got the boot from the big man himself, and that's how I got kicked out of Heaven. And straight onto my ass. Better yet, that's how I landed in the middle of a werewolf pack, where the freaking hottie of an Alpha's son just happened to be.


If you are an ANTI-WEREWOLF weirdo, you now have a reason to read a story that has werewolf in it! If you are a NON-ANTI-WEREWOLF dumpling, vote for me, as the appreciation for my un-dying love of werewolf romance.

You Know You Love Me,

akaAwesomeness ☺♥

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