Never Been Kissed by racingheart

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Never Been Kissed by racingheart

“Do you believe in Fate?”
“Well, I do now.”
Ivy had never thought Soulmates existed, until she met hers. And hers just happened to be a Prince. Now, two years on, fate wants an answer – what would’ve happened, if she’d never met him?
She’s thrown into a different world, the world in which the “Ivy Moore” never existed. Instead, she’s “Poison Ivy”, the girl she’d always wanted to be. But nothing’s without sacrifice. Her sweet Prince Charming has turned into a delinquent, and is engaged to another. Her best friend, Aaron, is somehow royalty. And the only side-effect Ivy had been looking forward was getting her dead parents back again. No luck. Poison Ivy is destined to live alone.
The only way she can get out of this mess, and back to sanity, is to kiss a boy she loves. But how can she love the crude, obnoxious bastard her Prince has turned into?
Well…Maybe she can.


I've got this thing for fantasy. Read it, but then be disappointed since there hasn't been an update since forever.

You know those books you put in your reading list titled "Lets stay up all night to read these books but look like UN-cute panda the next day."?

Therefore, I give you the critical mission to stalk peep'z (authorz) pages like the true descendants of Slender Man you are. (To get more good stories.)

P.S. He's scary

P.S.S. I mean Slender Man

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