The Chord to my Heart by AWritersMuse

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The Chord to my Heart by AWritersMuse

"When Lyla Carter comes home to find that her mother has committed suicide, she's forced to live with her father who she's conveniently avoided since he left them seven years ago. Lyla does her best to keep everyone at arms length until she meets Mase Dean: the boy who strums his way into her heart, one chord at a time." ♡♡♡

(((If you, or anyone you know, is having suicidal thoughts, please GET HELP. No matter how bad things may seem, I promise it gets better. So talk to someone about it. You can even talk to a complete stranger through the Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255. Let someone help you want to live again.))) :]     


The story was painstakingly sad at some parts but otherwise it was...indescribable in the best way possible. Wow, that rhymed. Must be my natural talents at work. ;) *major coughing fit*


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