A Little Less Than Average by xXMeXx627

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A Little Less Than Average by xXMeXx627

This story follows seventeen year old Felicity Jones on a rollar coaster ride of adventure in the paranormal.  She WAS normal, until that day he kissed her.  Then her whole world gets turned upside down.  You may think you know what's going to happen, but you're wrong. 


Do I even have to write anything here?

{I really want to coz' I can never shut up even if its on the computer where the term shut up never applies technically but neither does it in real life. But sometimes when people say shut up you do literally shut up your mouth so I guess it is used literally and figuratively. Therefore shut up can be used but some people always point it out with some remark like "You can't really shut up". Though they can't point it out but rather they type it out to me and that would sound way less cool but I can't really hear because it makes no sound at all and then the whole world is a contradiction and we die. We all die. Like in Wally except everyone didn't all die but went on a spaceship to a land far, far away. I can't think of any more movies where humans all die but I bet there's loads of them but my brain is in brain dead mode. But I can't literally be in brain dead mode coz' then I would be dead. And I'm obviously not dead coz' I'm typing this right now so HA. I'm not dead. Nor is every single other human being so ya. Ha. Ya. Kung-fu Da.}

You now know how much I hold back from typing.

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