Late Summer Rain by AubreyEatsHearts

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Late Summer Rain by AubreyEatsHearts

It was pity that first made Dannie speak to him. She had known Ryan since she was a kid, but he had always been the popular Golden Boy, and she had always been the tomboy that didn’t mind not having any friends. It was odd, she had thought, that all the popular kids who had once kissed the ground he walked on, didn’t so much spared him a glance anymore, and it was this that made her sit with him that one faithful day and begin something that would only end up causing her pain.


Don't rush reading it- it's a short story that finishes way too quick. Sad, but heart-warming, it is the perfect reason to curl up on a sofa & say goodbye to exercise (and let those calories rule your body!).

Hint: Have a tissue box nearby!

JUST TO ADD A RANDOM ADVICE: Never treat ready-to-eat noodles the same way you would with instant noodles. The kitchen still smells. Bad. 

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