Getting it Straight by crossroad

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Getting it Straight by crossroad

Fiona Pearce is the kind of girl who can never say no to anyone. As long as she can do something to help out, she'll do it in a heartbeat. So when her father faces a problem and asks for her help to find her missing brother, Finn, in a school where he works at, she's more than willing to extend a hand and go the extra mile for the matter. The only problem is, Corner Stone High School is not just an ordinary high school. It is an exclusive school for boys. But of course, that didn't stop her from convincing her father to let her transfer to that school. And so moving in to the dormitory, Fiona then sets off in a journey to find the missing boy in a population of a four hundred and sixty-five. But will she find him? Or will she be found out? And as she gets things straight, will something unexpected happen? Tossing the coin of luck and fate, she ventures to find the answers herself.


This was the book that I randomly started snorting through out, even when nothing snortsy was in it at that moment. It was more of a habit I got for my expression of undying appreciation of awesome stories. And if you've stuck by and read every book recommendation I've made, you'll see I've used the word awesome heaps but not in italics. That MUST mean something.


*snort snort*

10 mins later

*snort snort*

*giggle snort*

*laugh snort*

15 mins later

*pig snort*

*snort snort*

*snort shriek*

Generally after that I start getting frightened looks.

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