The Italian Billionaire's Lover by Sinaidkincaid16

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The Italian Billionaire's Lover by Sinaidkincaid16

She's nothing like the classy, curvaceous, leggy blondes that frequent his bed...yet something about the bedraggled red-headed scrawny woman draws him to her, that he feels compelled to bed her.
She thought it a cruel joke when he asks her to dinner.  Why would this hot as--hell, jet setting billionaire want to go to dinner with Alina Brooke?

Yet...she found herself saying yes to dinner...and more


I suck at Italian, as in I can count 20 & say my name in an Italian-ish accent. Years wasted of Italian ed. Sigh. I hope I'm not alone, but my eyes just perk up at the sight of millionaire or billionaire (a closet gold lover?). Though, obviously billionaire beats millionaire...the richer the better! Read this story and drool>

@all closet gold lovers- go and sleep with those Monopoly bills

closet gold lovers- not to be confused with gold-diggers

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