d e a r o l i v e r by rigor_samsa

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d e a r  o l i v e r  by rigor_samsa

dear oliver    

there's something i have to tell you.   



this was lovely in a kind of melachony outburst,

and the prose really strikes as you progresses.

there seems to be plentiful of 'letter' stories

but this was something special for me :)

yes, nothing is wrong with me- I am just writing

with suspicious grammar because too damn lazy to

put capitals on my words.


it's what all the cool people do.

mwu ha ha ha



I'M BACK! After a few months (3?4?) I decided to stop idling and stuffing myself with Oreos to get down and check out the Wattpad community again. Actually, I came back to convince the world that faith can be restored in humanity. Life will compensate for the side oddities. Life will shine the light of juctice on all us petty beasts and free fruit stations will be set along the streets. Life is wonderful!

ok. ok. I admit. I was the one responsible for your missing junk food.

I don't even know what I'm typing now; I think I need sleep. Bye. Good night and may the potato be with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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