Never Have I Ever by farawayfromnowhere

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Never Have I Ever by farawayfromnowhere

Aria has always laid low in school with her tight-knit group of friends. When she meets Nash at a party, he's rude, he's blunt, and he's got more baggage than he can carry. Aria immediately dislikes him. But the line between hate and love is very thin, and a continuous game of Never Have I Ever may change everything


So you've probably already read this story. If you haven't, you've been quadruple blindfolding yourself in front of the computer and hiding under an armpit-smelling lump of soap. Still- I had to put this on here, even as something symbolic. (Right. Symbolic. That is totally my way with things. Yeah. Totally.)

I was all emotional when I was reading this......bless me, and I admit to crying throughout certain chapters. Bless me again. Worst off, I look really funny when I'm crying, the horrors of embarrassment I have experienced. Bless me once again. Alas, what a great sacrifice I made to read this book- :P


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