Irresistibly Sweet by mica_blue

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Irresistibly Sweet by mica_blue

Tyler Gray has been known for his involvement in violent fights. He's grown used to the whispers, the rumors, and the arrogant morons who still try to pick fights with him. But that doesn't matter to Alice Anderson, a charmingly optimistic innocent yet evil girl who's been in love with him since they were kids. To her, Tyler is the chocolate-loving sweetheart who was, and always will be, honest and kind. But it has been at least four years since she last saw him. Although their parents have strongly agreed on marrying them off to each other, Alice needs to go through great efforts in order for the love of her life to see her the way she sees him.


This is official. This story is cute. Too cute (or sweet...depends).

I'm off to eat chocolate.

Wait. Is the story title a pun?



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