British Guys Aren't Cute by UnicornFartGlitter

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British Guys Aren‘t Cute by UnicornFartGlitter

'Fact: British guys are not cute. Never have been; never will be!'

Meet Nora. During the day, she's a crazed, Irish student trying to survive the insanity which is London. At night, she's a blogger, trying to prove to the world that British guys are just not as cute as everyone seems to think they are! And then, while running late to one of her classes, she runs into Milo, full-time womaniser, part-time crown prince of the UK...


I'm rather nonchalant about British boys. I mean, what makes them better than a good old American, their prissy accents?  But, I have to admit, some Brtish boys are like OMG *faint* cute.

So, about this story, IT IS FUNKY-AWESOME!!!!!!!! Currently underway re-reading it, so feel free to join the British Guys Aren't Cute reading club (Membership fee: 1 votes).


"Diet is "die" with a "t""-Garfield

“If you want to look thinner, hang around people fatter than you."-Garfield

"I eat too much because I'm depressed, and I'm depressed because I eat too much. It's a vicious circle... that took years to perfect!"-Garfield

"All right, wise guy, I got another game for ya. It's called the "My Claw In Your Butt" game. Now let me out!"-Garfield

"You can scratch my chair, you can insult my mother, you can beat up my dog, and you can play with my rubber mousie...but you don't eat my food and you don't sleep in my bed."-Garfield

GO GARFIELD! Odie is cute:)

BTW I guess British Boys & Garfield do have stuff in common, but just don't ask me what...

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