Chapter 52

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I couldn't believe that I had just left Eleanor with Bill. I felt like a traitor. Eleanor was broken now, her natural self had been torn out when Bill changed her. Eleanor had never looked so scared and defeated before.

'Get away from me...' She had said. It tore my heart out. I sat on my bed with Mabel in front of me. We were both silent, obviously thinking about what had just happened and then I spoke.

"Mabel...I don't think she's going to come back." I whispered through my pain.

Mabel looked at me startled. "Dip, we just have to have fate, she said she'll find a way." Mabel said quietly.

"I know, but, I should be helping, but...there's nothing I can do." I put my head between my knees as the aching in my heart increased.

"We couldn't do anything anyways ok, the journal doesn't have any information and this hasn't ever happened before. We just have to believe Eleanor can get out of this mess."

"She's in the wheel." I said.


"She's in the wheel around Bill. She put herself in the center of attention, because of that stupid mistake." I opened my journal. "I've figured it all out Mabel," I began pointing to each of the symbols and saying the names of the ones I knew, "Me, you, Gruncle Stan, Soos...we are all on here. Mabel, I always knew something would happen to us," I pointed to the arrow on the wheel, "I didn't know it would be Eleanor."

Mabel sat and stared quietly at the journal. "Dipper. Listen. All we can do is wait patiently...Eleanor can find a way out...just hope."

I closed the journal and pictured Eleanor on her knees, crying. "We're all out of hope."

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